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A Very Short Explanation on the Problem of English 🙲 the Origins of Ghettovian

Any one who has checked out the blog as of late, or who kennas me in real life, can tell you that I am a lingual reactionary of the pre-1066 variety. Now, I duly forstand the amount of effort it will take to transition society back onto an Anglo-Saxon footing (linguistically and culturally speaking), after all, the Normans won and smashed the English cultural machinery, not merely content at smashing it for the state. I realise that we cannot paß a bill over night to re-institute such maßive and prolonged cultural evisceration, so where does that leave my policy? We must conserve English in its present form until we may perform the final transition to Anglo-Saxonry. That does not neceßarily mean preserving every word in its current state, or dictate how or if new words can be formed, but there is a virulent struggle occurring under this opportunity.

The middle claßes are by their nature untrustworthy. They go where ever the wealth and trade do, which so happened to be the Bastard and his Anglophobe band. That being so, the middle claßes now have a vested interest in preventing the Anglo reaction. To protect the truth of their betrayal against scrutiny (which shall naturally happen as English reverts to its purer existence), they have devised a way to damage English, if only to buy some time as they think about how to defeat the coming Anglo dawn. This I have styled 'Ghettovian'. I admit that the name is not quite accurate to its locale. Most do not consider the word ghetto to synonymously indicate suburbia, but I have always thought of the suburbs as a self-righteous, self-absorbed, self-imposed ghetto. A place where redneck middle claß buffoons strive to make society culturally poorer in every single sense, 'in suburb land they take their stand against all cultured Yankees'. The language of Ghettovia is just as mechanistic as the soleleß, bureaucratic middle claßes' music and life is. I have already gone into its simplistic vocabulary, so shall not here.

English is a decaying and dying speech. The phenomenon of Ghettovian is a fatal symptom of the Norman disease. English would probably have died long ago if it were not the primary language of two world-controlling empires. There are two choices for all Anglos around the world to make:

I. adopt another Germanic tongue for the entire Anglo-sphere to speak

II. Re-institute English as it was before the wretched year of 1066

The choices are clear, but it's time to choose.

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