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The Eastern Religious Threat to Ásatrú coming from India

This is going to be an extremely brief post, but something that has been bothering me for a long time. The YouTube channel Leornende Eald Englisc, run by Kevin, has proved the paramount example for the dangerous phenomenon on which Ic speak. LEE/Kevin is a follower of Satanic dharma on the Vasenaïve path... excuse me, 'Sanatana Dharmi on the Vaishnava path'. Ic thought the whole point of building an Ald English community and strong Heathen religion was to explicitly reject the tyranny inherent in Middle-Eastern belief and ideological systems? Ic would even contend that Hinduism is more tyrannical than Abrahamism/Judaism, for it has no redeeming cwalities like the sacred kindneß of El Elyon. It is Islam divorced of its common Abrahamic ties, but with an extra expreßly stated slavely caste system.

This push to readopt tyrannical Middle-Eastern religious systems, superimposing them on the Free religions of our forefolc, is a disgraceful act in itself. So truth be told, Ic rather Germanic Europe remain Protestant if the options are this or Hinduism. Hinduism would be even more foreign, which, Ic thought at least, was the direct opposite of our objectives. At the very least, Christianity has had time to alter, via interpretation and direction, the greatest exceßes of the Abrahamic religion, the most disagreeable elements having nearly faded or living on only in the more extreme Abrahamic communities. The point was to increase freehed, but this has by contrast meant allowing anti-freehed religions a stronger recruitment base, and a removal of their previous negative prestige. In other words, our movement to end the tyranny of Abrahamic religion and solve the spiritual disintegration of atheism may have backfired in opening the scene to even worse, more tyrannical religious forces (videlicet Hinduism and Buddhism).

Let me finish by stating that Ic hold nothing but good will for LEE/Kevin, that this is not a disdaining of his personal choice in particular, but the phenomenon itself of Hinduising Ald English and Heathenry/Ásatrú. There are at any rate ecwally bad followers of Heathenry too, like the fascist cennst as 'Survive the Jive'. Now he, Ic take deep personal exception to. In fact Ic wish the community would take more of a stand against him, as at present it seems that there is a benefit-of-doubtism getting out of hand around him, that is to say, no one is willing to admit that Survive the Jive has undeniably shewn himself to be a bad (fascist) actor.

Ic am currently in a mentally diminished state, and so apologise for the lack of further rigourous exploration of this ißue, which Ic am sure could very well be done if Ic had the mental capacity and time to do it at the moment (but Ic do not). Ic bid all of ye farewell.

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