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The Vulgariſation of Engliſh and the Intelligence-backed Riſe of Poſt-Modern 'Ghettovian' Engliſh

I am deeply concerned with the courſe modern Engliſh haſ devolved into taking. Village and ſlum variantſ of Engliſh, previouſly confined to their local ſurroundingſ, have become malignant in their growth to the ſub-urban townſ and the interiorſ of the citieſ. We ſee the maßive contraction of common Engliſh wordſ which require none, and the tranſfer of illiterate and ghetto ſlangage into normal ſpeech patterns. Thiſ ſtate of affairſ iſ unacceptable. Engliſh haſ already been a perturbed, deſtabiliſed language ſince 1066, but the cancer of Ghettovian iſ threatening to collapſe what few ruleſ are left to anchor thiſ ill language. The degeneration in language comeſ at a time when all frontſ of high culture are under ſiege, which leadſ me to my long-drawn concluſion; juſt aſ it promoted degenerate 'art' called abſtract (brush flinging) poſt-modern painting, the CIA iſ now intereſting in corrupting and overthrowing the Engliſh tongue itſelf. Why iſ the CIA ſeeking the deſtruction of Engliſh? It iſ fordone Engliſh, and the Anglo-Saxon culture aſ a whole, iſ in fact pure communiſm. So long aſ thiſ remnant of Engliſhneß exiſtſ, the arfother-claß, the proletariat, can retain hope in a bright, Red Dawn in the future. Hope iſ the moſt dangerouſ weapon communiſm poßeßeſ againſt capitaliſt forlornery. You may have noticed a few of my unorthodox wordingſ and typography by now, and that iſ actually my propoſal: all arfotherſ and yeomen muſt unite in the taſk of building a higher form of Engliſh, aſ one would work to reach a higher ſtage of ſocialiſm and communiſm. Our cultural policy muſt be one of defiance towardſ the deranged aggreßion which the CIA diſplayſ in itſ cruſade to kill all thingſ properly Engliſh and high in cultural richneß!

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