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Capital: The Decline of the Leftwest (Second first impreßions)

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

Notice: I will be publishing content actually, in whole, relating to Capital sometime soon.

Disclaimer II: Screw Wix, this completely broken piece of cardboard with electronic duct-tape holding it together. ‘Saving changes’ my arse. It always finds a way to delete my articles so that I have to start over from the beginning. The fact that I have to write these articles in Word now just to make sure it doesn't pulverise them on posting is a sad state of affairs (for both of us). This is my second time typing this article out, so if I seem a little angrier or leß coherent, Wix is to blame. I am confident that the developers of Wix do the utleast to fix and improve the (free version of the) website.

Disclaimer I [original]: I have read Capital, once long ago. I got to chapter III before I petred out, and instead of blowing my brains with my last bit of saltpetre, I decided to stop reading it right there. This article is my first impreßions on rereading Capital, chapter I.

Capital is by far the weakest of Marx’s works. Revolutionary society does not spring from economic as the Norman market anti-culture which pervades modern society holds, it comes into being via a fundamental metaphysical truth(s), or road of progreßion which accompanies an ever-higher cultural glory. The Preußian culture, the modern representative of grandeurate, understands that Marx, whilst a great contributor to socialist theory, he was still crippled, as most Anglosphere emigres are, by the culturally destructive force of marketism.

There are three conflicting cultural ideologies at present: grandeurate, marketism (or ‘liberal mechanism’), and gemachtism. Socialism cannot win political siga unleß it abandons economic mechanistry for a bold cultural stance. Our mantra must be: capitalism makes one choke on degeneracy, socialism makes one into a gentleman (and use that word only in its anti-bourgeois, formerly aristocratic sense). Let our bible be to-day The Havamal and The Decline of the West, so that we may use Capital as our bible to-morrow. The coming culture-clash shall act as the litmus test for whether socialism will even be a poßibility for the future. Militarised Preußian socialism must be the sword of the proletariat, grandeurate our uniform, the soul of our endeavours.

Capital is truly the most soul-crushing thing to read in this time when culture is from all sides facing unholy aßault, when the political establishment, regardleß of party, have covertly declared war on the folk. If we do not take a stand on these ißues, then the National Socialists will wipe the Reichstag floor with us again, if all we present to the populace is to accord with a drab economic textbook. Hell, I would rather join the NSDAP if this were the case, at least if the Straßerists take power this time, they will move in the right (left) direction partially (and, Ic, or should I use the Deutsch Ich instead of the Ald Englisc (?) shall not employ denial, the NSDAP did in fact make grandeurate their uniforms, quite literally. Also, can we please agree that the brown Party-proper and SA uniforms were by far more attractive than the black Allgemeine-SS ones?).

The cultural wind is blowing in the way of glorious reaction. The various pro-culture forces of national socialism, fascism, national [aristocratic] conservatism, and the ones in between are making gains. The Libtards cannot tell national conservatives, Spenglerists, Longists, Straßerists, fascists, and Hitlerites apart from each other, which incidentally serves their propaganda production well. ‘Hey guys! Oswald Spengler, Huey Long, Kaiser Wilhelm, and Donald Trump? All of them are Holocaust-loving fucking Hitler-clones, and if you disagree, then you're Hitler-2 as well!’. The hell is this trite shite? If the Left continues to follow in the stoolsteps of liberalism, then we are already doomed, and I shall then have to begin a personal consideration on whether I ought to support one of these forces, to preserve what I can of European high culture. The national conservative movement and Spenglerism present a true challenge. Although the United States, due to its history, has never really had a movement of either of these tendencies, some vague influence from them could be felt in the Donald Trump campaign, just see the pictures made of him below. The Left has a choice to make, suffer the fate of being a mechanistic academic Literati Clique school of thought, or, as the CPGB-ML, KKE (Communist Party Greece) CPC, WPK, or the KPRF have done, utterly, ruthleßly engage in the culture-clash to crush liberal degeneracy, to become again a revolutionary tradition the proletariat can take pride in, and can trust. I promised some images of His Majesty Donald I, didn’t I? Let us view these now.

Now this is a man, nay, a godsent majesty I could get behind, ruling firmly yet fairly, having no interest in the plague of capitalist braindead accumulation, instead spending his wealth of the cultural glory of his folk, leading them by example in clothery. This is not to say that Donald Trump is what I am describing, I well know that this does not in the slightest describe the actual, real life Donald Trump. But this was the feeling at the beginning of his campaign, a small sect of national conservatives and perhaps Spenglerists keeping the dream of cultural majesty alive, even if having to utilise leß than ideal resources in reality, videlicet Trump, Farage, et alia. It is the dream, the ideal that matters. We, Europe and America, have been so long without this wonderful kind of leadership, the loving guide of an aristocracy, of cultured aldermen, of respectable junkers, that we have nigh forgotten that which makes Europe great at all. I was not under the illusion that Trump would be the one to make America great, but those faint, endearing echoes from some corners of his campaign base were where my hope derived from. The Left has failed miserably in not more universally taking the side of high culture, and this failure has hurt me very much.

I know that much of this is not directly relating to Capital, but it is not neceßarily Capital itself which is the problem, but it is where the problem can be best seen. There is nothing wrong with studying Capital, seeking to expand one's economic knowledge, nor is this erroneous doing so as a group. What is erroneous is considering reading Capital and having economic debates at the same time as a mightly culture-clash is happening presently in the streets, at the current moment as the more important of the two. To bury our heads in an economic textbook, without formulating and studying the more prescient discußion of how to respond to the struggle for and against high culture, is a severe error in political judgment. High culture, being so important to me, it is absolutely confusing and personally disheartening when the Left cannot commit at the least to the defence of the miserable remnants still present of Culture. I feel very much as though I am alone, deserted in fact. But I tell you truly, I shall defend Culture until the end, be it bitter or sweet, grotesque or grand. I have been using my body as a display of grandeurate, of Culture since I was sixteen, and so I shall continue forevermore barring my death. Thank you for attending the entirety of my rather disorganised rant, everything after paragraph three was unscripted. I should have a regular article posted again this coming Friday or Saturday for both sites.

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