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May Day Greetings Speech

Happy May Day comrades, fellow Party workers, chekists.

True, this fascist disease has kept most of us at home, yet although this be the case, most none of us have forgotten this special date. How could the servants of arfothers' and peasants' power not celebrate such an important proletarian holiday? To abandon the First of May, is to also forsake the Ninth of May. For to deny the proletariat's and peasantry's central authority in history (past, present, future) is to reject the Victory over Fascism, to join the fascist forces and their liberal political backers.

Comrades, do not fall for leßer evilism, whether spawned from the twin deceits of radical peßimism or revolutionary optimism. We must continue our unending work for the movement (or the Party) with the real conscience of trueneß, of loyalty. If you want only to pretend to support the maßes whilst earning the highest esteem and monetary contribution from the bourgeois rulers, then you join the party of the degenerate middle claß, the Democratic Party USA.

Many comrades could not make it to this moment, and it is their spirit, imbued in the Crimson Standard and Star of Spaßkaya. The Aß-Blue middle claßes flinch and sneer, but arfothers all keep the Red Flag flying here! And some good news; it seems that Moscow intends to hold a Victory over Fascism parade this year!

Check out my May Day proposal here:

And give a solidaritarian listen to Getchan's International Workers' Day compilation if you have not.

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