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Have A Loyal Orange Twelfth!

Greetings my fellow brethren who with me do join on this very special Twelfth of July date. I have been a loyalist now for about ten years- starting all the way back in 2014. I remember starkly the day on which I voiced my Anglophile, monarchistic scepticism of republicanism and the 'Dublinite Way', which the Democrats seem so intent to push upon us. It was nay matter that, when I finally had the displeasure of visiting Dublin, I found out exactly why the Democrats love it so: Dublin is a single massive department store block, with mass-immigration, and a distinctly similar variant of the anti-culture which we find in Suburbia-Ghettovia, here in the United States (it may even be the origin of our behated Suburbia-Ghettovia). We also find, to the Republicans' delight, undoubtedly, drunkard rednecks, mercantile mayhem, and fuck me, still more Confederate naval jacks! Even in a foreign country, you cannot escape that damn, treasonous naval jack pretending to flagship (but I suppose it figures that bloodthirsty traitors, terrorists all of them, attract their own to themselves). The only jack I love and revere is Red, White, and Blue.

I, however, digress. On that stark day to which I mustered my loyalist courage, to use 'my First Amendment Rights' as the rednecks say, what followed was harrowing. I felt such a hostility that I have never hitherto managed to approximate to any degree; you could feel the hatred of all things British, Loyalist, and generally Traditional, for which the rednecks hold the highest disdain, learning well from their terrorist Dublin masters. It was that day which convinced me all the more of the truth within the loyalist cause, which gave us our Freedom, Religion, and Laws.

The foul triumvirate of Dublin, Mexico City, and Warsaw, with its capital called the Vatican, has ever sought the dissolution of the liberty which we, as colonists of the freest, most enlightened land on this Earth, have spent countless generations cultivating. They should make common cause with the most vile of cretins to reverse these sacred traditions, to murder and plunder our lands, new and old. The former they attack through corruption, DC's centralised tyranny, and super-immigration, and the latter they attack on the social and the cultural front, and by attempting to muzzle (indeed perhaps strangle) it with NATO, the EU, the WTO, and other such puppet-factories operated by the triumvirate for unjust control.

If the Dublinite Democrats and their fellow (I)republican-Republicans continue to wage their war unabated, then I fear, my fellow loyal and true friends, that we shall be utterly reduced to a state of servitude and savagery that has scarce been so seen for one-hundred years. Protect the crown, and you protect as well our country, including the traditions of liberty in which it has defined itself. The forces arrayed against all good loyalist men have, recall, never stood for liberty or decency, but for the imposition of a foreign theocracy, and a pitted politic of viciousness, which has characterised the triumvirate's holdings. Thus, ask not what being British/Yankee, Loyal, and Free can mean for you, but what it means to be British/Yankee, Loyal, and Free.

The Confederacy has won the long civil war, and has made clear its will to turn all Britonic-Yankees into slaves (that peculiar institution is their trademark, after all). Both of the main-line political parties are firmly in the service of the Neo-Confederacy, whose Norman pedigree's penchant for tyranny allowed these parties to feel right at home, with their corrupt ways being a natural outcome of said tyranny.

My fellow Yankees, it is time to take a stand, as His Majesty King William did on those grassy Boyne banks, as we are fighting for and against the same things which our forefathers had in 1690. Shall we now be crushed underfoot, or shall we prove ourselves still loyal and true to the old Red, White, and Blue and the Great Pine Tree? Will you stand, and march with me into a loyal and free future, or will you disgrace yourself by caving to the triumvirate's tyrannical ideology, pleasuring their defiling demand?

Remember: We Are The People, and God Save The King! Have a wonderful Twelfth.

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