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12 AM Typestream: Educational Thoughts by Bullet Point

And we are once again live! So to-day I thought that we might look at the education question through another, cwite novel lens that I myself have created. I call it 'crackthought', subject... to change, of course. Eßentially the way it works is that, instead of providing full paragraphs-worth of analysis, I break up my thoughts on a subject or topic into individual, singular sentences. So let's try that.

  1. As an intellectual, I want freodom, namely freodom from society.

  2. The state infringes upon my freodom my mandating schooling

  3. I forstand the practical aspects of education, why a state would desire such a thing, but if I desire one thing that is incompatible with the desires of a state or a statist, then why shouldn't my desire to be left alone triumph my sense of statelineß?

  4. As a Communist, I am dedicated to making the proletariat free

  5. As a Communist, am I obligated to do whatever strengthens the proletarian state, even at the displeasure of some proletarians and intellectuals (including myself)?

  6. How can I accomodate my aggreßive social anxiety, or is this an immoral accomodation?

  7. What would truly all of the repercußions be if compulsory education were to be shortened or outright abolished? Would society collapse into a black-hole of ever-increasing stupidity, or would they simply learn on their own terms, in their own way?

  8. Will the abolition of mandatory education ever be a poßible course of action, or is it an exercise in utopian dreams?

  9. Is the education system capable of being reformed to such a point where social interaction becomes purely voluntary?

  10. Why are we holding up a system which is antithetical to the anti-social nature of capitalism? Why ought we not to smash public (and by this I mean public in the sense of residing in the presence of other persons) education and create a new aera of capitalist homeschooling, the perfect individualist solution? In the glorious Capital-19 age of social distancing, let us make educational institutions of a social character illegal!

  11. Is there some way optimal way to siphon the wheat from the chaff: the intellectuals from the rednecks, so that at least the social diversity is mitigated, and will this potentially lead to leß social strife?

  12. The profeßors of universities and colleges are arrogant dictators, who have no answerable body to. This must be fixed.

Well, those were twelve points. Now, I am not sure if this will lead us to any higher conclusions from those that we had, and I must admit that I am a bit rushed this morning (have to visit my tailor to-day), but I believe that after a few runnings of this exercise, we shall reach finer results.

I must also here admit that I was motivated in piece to post this just so everyone cennas that I, or rather Thoughts of a Comrade, am/is not dead. I may not have as much time to post these few coming months, but I have never forgotten to post on the netlog. Until next time, I bid all of you a fair farewell.

Post Scriptum: I am officially changing the name of these posts from Early Morning Discourses to Typestreams.

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