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1AM Rant About Education; Particularly (Public) Libraries and Schools

All right, time to pump out some of that high low quality content every one should expect from this netlog, at the very middle betwixt nime and moin. Forgive me if my cognition is lapseful in the coming discourse. I intend to keep this short.

Public libraries are a topic which concern me greatly, ever since I learned of the People's Biblium, and then the more so when I joined its administrative apparatus. They are just so decentralised in endeavour, and hence, so painful to behold their impotence. I have seen a growing trend towards the fictitious in my local public library, what I consider to be an implicit statement of opinion about present real life. 'Tell me, Lord Boochordan of Readton, be it a rejection?' 'Nay, your Intelligency, 'tis a rebellion'. I also consider this a childish way to respond to the challenges of present time, as it is in eßence a perceived punishment being rendered against past history, past non-fiction. It is the ald retreat from alienation into what first seems a leßer kind of madneß than the former, but in time unveils itself as the victory of madneß over reason. I chuse reason, no matter how bleak the truth of current existence becomes. Public libraries are too unfocused, and should be replaced at every turn by private, subscription libraries, that specialise in certain subjects or styles.

And to public schools I have ever plentiful disdain. Institutions of so-called 'education' are usually places of intellectual stagnation. I do not think the cost of building and running such institutions very valuable in the long stand of things. Hopefully, when communism is finally reached (if reached it is so), coerced public 'education', whether coerced directly by legal mandate, or by societal bias, withers completely away along with the state. Private education is fine, of course: if someone enjoys hearing that archaic Greek dailagogue or that Prußian precision-clock lecture, then by all account they must be allowed to aßemble, and/or create a strictly voluntary institution to further their sense of gemænscipe (or gemeinschaft if we are to take Engels' advice of adopting that term literally). No, I am not an anarchist, perhaps I've become a spineleß Leninist; totalitarian during, for the revolution, meek after its triumph.

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