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27 October Typestream!

Good nime to all of ye, it is time yet again for a Typestream, yeh favourite unscripted rambling seßion, so all over the place in topic that they even end up out of this world entirely!

To-night Ic do not have very many specific things in mind, so with that in mind, be prepared for any kind of randomneß.

Ic have heard an interesting piece of information, or rumour really, as of late. Apparently, there are whispers of a new church/denomination coming into being. Ic do not rightly cenna its name, but some of those Ic believe to be close to the centre of the rumour, or of its origin at least have called it the Spire of Woden. The rumourians did give me this concretely at the very much: the article Ic allowed to be published here, The Holy Revelation, is the rumoured 'Spire's'/hof's (hof is what ye call a Germanic heathen church, is not it?) to be the first and holiest of texts. Another cwite interesting bit, the texts of the Spire are purportedly not permitted to be rendered on plain paper, or be typed and printed, making the TOAC netlog copy a most joyously sacred of exceptions (Ic have deleted the text file Ic typed it on before copying to post, just to be safe). Ic have heard some more rumour, but it is of the sort that is too far from any one source to truly be indicative of the truth, and thus Ic think not to waste word with it (at this time, Ic ought to add).

Ic have been catching up on my woeful lack of exploring the wondrous world of Morrowind. Currently, Ic am acting as a Dunmer wizard by the name of Dalandalf. Ic have finally just 100-chanced a 15-30 fire damage on touch spell, and to be fair, my long blade skill is sufficient enough to doesan death relatively effectively against basic fiends and many roadside creatures. My tasks are with the Balmora Mages Guild, and probably Ic'll soon expand to either the Fighters Guild and/or the Imperial Legion. So far Ic have only had real trouble, Ic am slightly ashamed to say, with the Dark Brotherhood aßaßin at the beginning. Though he nigh killed me, Ic escaped to the top of the Seyda Neen tower or lighthouse, whichever it is, where Ic then rained arrows down on him til his death. Strangely, at one point when he was chasing me, he must have lost me, for when Ic shot him, the guards took me to prison. Ic intend to be as powerful a wizard as Ic mean to, that is to say, be a damn god! Ic want some one-hitting forces at my disposal, be it wizardry or simply a sharp (enchanted, of course) blade. Ic must admit, my path has been corrupted by the lurings of wealth, and Ic just so happen to have a moderate ability to sneak. Ic try to think of myself as an advanced cleaning service: no one wants to see expencive soul gens lying around like one is a murderous dark mage, that is why Ic am around, cleaning one's house or busineß absolutely free of charge! Come and call Dalandalf's Dirty Domains to-day!

As to the state of both of the sites, Thoughts of a Comrade and The Philosopher's Interior Renewed, Ic am generally unconcerned with the exception of one looming potential blockage. Ic do not cenna how Wix handles the amount of data hosted on the free version of a website, and Ic have not yet looked to see if the data remaining is listed somewhere on the dashboard. If, however, it is as Ic suspect (limited), then Ic do in fact have a notion of what to do. Ic have three ways of dealing with this all at once

I. move all present articles to the patreon as an exclusive

II. Publish each individual post on eBay and Biblio as a $1.50 pamphlet

III. Publish all of the present articles into one book on Lulu for $10-$15

And eßentially Ic would do this every 30 December, to clear the sites without wiping out their contents, making them still available in numerous (even physical!) ways. This would also poßibly lead to the adoption of a paid Wix lease for the sites, if the funding amounts to a viable calibre to host the sites on the Wix paid programmes. Not only would the funding aid the two sites, but also the wonderful publishing companies involved, The Paper and Inkwell Publishing House (for the Philosopher's Interior) and Prolets Publishers (for TOAC here), who specialise in giving independent and beginner intellectuals and other such writers acceß to radically cheap publishing options, and further, without the need for already-established renown, prestige, which these persons obviously do not have, first-times as they are.

It is a positive solution for every one!

Ic have perhaps doesanen some an aneurysm with this next doing: Ic have recently decided to grow a limb out of curiosity to obtain copies of the infamous David Day's Tolkien resources, his Ring Legends, Dictionary, and Encyclopaedia to be precise. Ic have a very intent doan for going gainst the warned words of other Tolkien wisemen, in that not all words of wisemen are ecwally as wise as they might have us agree to. It sounds as if the biggest problem these masterful Tolkien scholars (Ic tell this in a well-meant sarcasm) have with Day's works are his 'personal expansion of the lore'. Ic do not think this neceßarily a bad thing, though. Is it not somewhat in line with the poetical veracity of Middle-Earth? What with Bilbo writing his account, then said account being corrected later, then Tolkien being merely translator and scribe of the ancient tellings, would it not fit in this cycle of historical documenting that some, such as David Day, might add to the story, whether by newfound cennan of events or embellishment for the motive of story, as all history is liable of having been done with? If this is the greatest infraction within his works (Ic am not much concerned with the man who wrote the works, his infractions in life if any), then Ic consider the hostility his works are treated with to be perhaps slightly imbued with the dramatics of fandom and the smugneß of self-proclaimed keepers of the Text. In order to ascertain the legitimacy of the doans listed against the works of David Day, there is but one way to cenna, and that is to read.

Speaking of reading and Tolkien in the same measure, Ic have a groß announcement! Well, not perhaps an announcement, yet an exciting fact nevertheleß, and that is that Ic have gotten the five primary works: The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, and the Silmarillion, from Easton Preß, in the characteristic fine leather and gold emboßed binding. In this case, it is more than merely the fine binding Ic was looking forward to, but the in my own opinion practically eßential page marker ribbon, which was the most testing part of my reading LOTR in softcover, losing my place week after week. Ic no longer need suppose where Ic left off, for when Ic open my finely crafted tome, there it is, awaiting my eager return.

Indeed, Ic have also been trying to complete some of my own writing, fiction and unso alike. Ic am afraid that progreß in this way has not been significantly made. It is a misfortune that the two sites impede me in this manner, absorbing my time in writing material for them as opposed to finishing my unrelated scriptatory projects. Not that this drastically influences my demeanour towards the sites, Ic love writing for them, if Ic may be honest. It is a far leß time consuming proceß to post an article here, and then post a link to it on Twitter than making a listing on eBay or Biblio, only for the damn work to sit there indefinitely until someone every four months comes by to purchase one. A far leß satisfying procedure, Ic can aßure ye, rather than posting on a site, even if this way Ic cannot actually tell if anyone is reading the text. It is the mere thought that, perhaps at the minimum one person has happened upon an article, and from that article Ic provide them with great joy or great cennan. These small illusions, what are deemed together Hope, that is what encourages one to continue on.

Ic have been contemplating my own happineß of late, and Ic have reached the splendid endthoght that Ic am very happy. Wealth of any import has not added to said happineß at all, only straining my mental faculties when troublesomely arising. My reading and writing, those are the activities Ic have located to be the primary and most consistent sources of my enjoyment. Naught can compare to the cennan, or the journey that may be contained in a book, and then the utilisating of those contents to form another work of one's own is very much a poetical reverberation in cycles, or rather, in ever enlarging branches, only increasing the variety of reading for an eternity. That is to say nothing of cwality music, which Ic am as well very ingratiated in for happineß. Rameau is truly a master, no matter in orchestrals or harpsichords, certainly cennas the pleasantneß of sound.

Well, Ic think that does it for to-night's Typestream. Ic hope as always that ye liked one of these discußions. Until next time, dear fellows!

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