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6 February Morning Correspondence

Good Moin my fellow Anglosphericans (at least, I presume that's vaguely where most of those interested in this blog come from). To-day I mean to finish The Prince and the ABC of Dialectical and Historical Materialism, and shall provide a meagre summary, or really just a few of my thoughts if I am to be candid, on the blog at the end of the day.

Speaking of which, I believe that I have settled into a rough posting schedule. I will try to post once in the moin and again in the nime (I have coined both of these terms to strengthen the pool of Revised English vocabulary ). So with this schedule, I should at the least post twice a day, for fourteen posts tallied a week. This is a minimum, however, and unlike the prices in 1793 there is no maximum, I could very well produce thrice the amount of postings whenever I please. Time will tell.

So what is the purpose of this blog? 'To propel the experimentation of cultural writing in service of the proletariat.' Exact; but not at any expence, however. The cultural existence we might tell, is frozen, and we must shed upon it, in a word, heat. 'But how can we direct our energy when the blog remains unfocused, videlicet, blurry?' Focus in a lens can be exposed only through the tinkering of light and thickneß, so, too, shall our blog only develop focus after it has been tested in a multitude of matters.

I would be fabricating facts if I said I knew what I wanted for or from this blog. It seems that many blogs and videos of the day are magnification chambers for the personalities (or lack thereof) who run them. I cannot here pretend humility in honesty: I am quite wary that most consider me a 'character', a stranger of even stranger ways, and therefrom I am a natural candidate for this modern inquisition of the persons 'gainst the people taken together. It is in part an incontrovertible neceßity that my individual selfneß influence the blog, for how could this not be the case? But it is my opinion that one may exacerbate the cult of personality inherent in 'creative' work (if we may call the repetition of these same plot points and tropes so), and it is this element which I desire to detain for as long as it is within my power to.

Above has been the first Morning Correspondence. Please join us next time aßuming that one shall be. I'll be goin now (all right, that one isn't really a new word coinage... yet).

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