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A Declaration Long Coming (Nobility in Culture, Degeneracy from Wokitalism)

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

I can no longer stand by, dear fellows, and watch as the middle-claßes destroy culture and tradition. I am a Communist, not a libtard. I have no desire to engage in the societally and culturally ruinous behaviours presently ravaging the left (or the self-called 'left', anyway). To quote a wonderful summary of my thoughts 'I like order, but I fought for the République'. Just because I love culture more than these frankly baffling social strifes, does not somehow negate my love also for the proletariat, and by extension the Communist revolution. I am quite sick of justifying myself, my noble groundings to swinish, swindling #liberated naysayers! Communism in no way denotes nor demands a neceßary destruction of culture. For me, Communism is no leß than capitalist production in a planned manner (for abundance) eschewed of its destructive degeneracy, replaced by a now universally acceßible return to the aristocracy's (pre-cult of capital accumulation) culture. In capitalism, man tries to out-exploit man; in Communism, man shall attempt to out-noble, out-virtue man.

This little declaration has some concrete consequences relating from it. I can no longer stomach even temporary tactical alliance with those I consider mortal fiends of culture. No more can I stand by as libtards, papists, offlandlings and on ruin the sweetneß of aristocratic high culture. I have always found it troubling that some seen to think that the solution to the offlandation problem is to let them all in, no matter how much destabilisation occurs. If the entire populace of even a small land like Luxembourg were to be placed in the US, then there is no uncertainty in my mind that some calamity should arise from such a maßive unbalancing of the native folk (unleß the native folk is somehow 'reduced' or altogether 'eliminated', id est genocide). This was long ago the only party of the Wokening I took exception to. Now, however, I have many ideological disagreements with the liberal social project. I have culturally firmly become a Junker, which entails nigh total opposition to the market, and, I may say, by commercial activity itself. Liberals and many leftists, whether knowingly or unso, cement capitalism in the cultural sphere, and that I cannot condone. My groundings are far too many to not reach this natural end-thought. I ask nay forgiveneß, for I know that this culture war is just, and my allegiance to nobility, to preserving high culture the most virtuous endeavour. It is a duty to me in fact.

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