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A New Form of Labor (Philosopher's Interior Article)

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

Picture Created by me.

Note: Article republished here courtesy of the Philosopher's Interior (bi-daily journal), all rights belong to them.

Note II: Eszetts (ß) were native to the printing regulation of the Philosopher's Interior.

A New Form of Labor: How to Improve the Claß and Labor-Management Structured Hereby at Present in Function.

I have thought long about how to solve the redneck question, and I believe that I have found a satisfactory answer end in this. I propose that it would be in the interest of the greater portion of society if the state were to enslave, enserf, or indenture all rednecks henceforth for their acts of treason. Some may think this a dire defiance of the natural law of man and a rejection of Enlightenment, which indeed it is. For the total enlightenment, in other words the liberation, of one half of society, it could stand to reason that, like the Earth and Moon, the other is to be encapsulated in the darkneß of servitude. As is the current standard of society, none of us are in actuality enlightened, instead we are all given a hand-load of enlightenment and liberation. By the personal inclinations of those we call philosophers, this light can at times cause a flare; whereby some individuals become illuminated, yet the rednecks are found agitated, and proceed to extinguish that wonderful spark. This, I believe is the cause of today's degeneration of culture and thereby society.

To speak not only of societal improvements, the economic benefits would be extraordinary. The balance of labor deposited into unimportant work could then be withdrawn for the consolidation of a specialized government of thinkers. Rednecks are by their nature more apt for brutish manual labor, but are near completely lacking in cognitive intelligence. With this re-allocation of economic duties, I believe that the economy will benefit with the increase that industry will see in the efficiency of these new super-laborers. These slaves/serfs/servants are probably to be poorly paid, so the capitalists should trample over each other in the ensuing rush to relocate back into the United States, giving a boost in job growth, a continuously debated item. Another economic alleviation to come from this enhanced labor-management is in the plus that this new nation of thinkers can purchase many more goods of a higher quality than they otherwise could have. Being that they are a thinking group by educated compulsion, the goods and services they demand will be better for society. Big busineß could see a minor loß in profit, but I believe that it will in the long run subject itself as unimaginably lucrative to the circle of wealth. Those rednecks whose arms power the mills will also be rewarded by the superiority of this system. They will be the only workers employed, aßuming the any of the latter two form of labor-management are adopted, so, caused by the new nonexistence of competition over employment, will bring a greater degree of financial security and removing the prime catalyst for racism, fostering a mutual respect between the races and genders from friendship and cooperation in the workplace, and will soon lead to universal mobility so all of the peoples of society, including the traitorous rednecks, can join in the enlightened form of life.

I must remind all of you that this is not my final desire for an ideal society, the article here serves only to give a plan that could ideally mitigate a few of the greater ißues coming from the unsound, illogical labor-management structure of traditional capitalism in the United States.

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