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An American Communist Party, a Split Communist Party USA, and an American Council of Unreliable Bolsheviks...

Updated: Aug 5

So it has happened again, the Communist Party(ies) have split again, there are CPs splitting all over the place this year. And some splits have ended in decay and desertion, is there anything new to be reported? What a joke this title sounds!

Now, the immediate news: the American Communist Party has... excuse me, the Communist Party USA has split from the American proletariat, as truly represented by the ACP, which is of course the Vanguard Party. Let me be clear that I do not know much about the procedural violations of Joe Simms (General-Secretary CPUSA) which precipitated this split, but Suburbia-Ghettovia seems to despise this party, and that presents me with a question of enemy-of-enemyism.

I do know that many good comrades which I respect are involved in or supportive of the ACP, such as Midwestern Marx and Donald Courter of the Revolution Report. As for Jackson Hinkle and 'Haz', I really do not know anything about them, be they fascists or merely too sane for woke lunatics. I am, in a sense, stuck in the position of Bukharin, that I feel perhaps obligated to support this party, despite my personal views, in the name of the revolution. The leftist landscape of the United States is a sad sinkhole of trenches and shell craters, a depressing sight to think about, I am sure we may all agree.

The Communist Party USA is a broken, degenerate, and corrupt creature, which ought to be put out of its misery, for the only good it does now is located entirely within its publishing arm, International Publishers. Be not misled, comrades, that the Party of Communists USA might be somehow any better off than in this state, for it too is rife with anarchy, corruption, division, and ultimately, dissatisfaction of the highest magnitude. It is enough to make one a loyalist and a monarchist in the same day (oh my...). For make also no mistake that I am a committed Leftist, but I do not intend to invest Hegelians and republicans and heretics of every brand and manner with authority, moral or political. Your tendency or view is no longer of condemnation to me, for this condemnation I have so sincerely followed and applied, appears now to me pointless.

This brings me to the third organisation mentioned in the title of this post, the miscreant 'American Council of Bolsheviks'. This pre-party was full of hope and potential, having the chance to improve upon the CPUSA-PCUSA formula; instead, these ,,Bolsheviks'' have abandoned their posts, and are seemingly dissolved in fact. They have not merely abandoned the proletariat, and their duty, but they have abandoned us, their comrades. Such is the way of most leftists, be they Comrade Stalin or Comrade Judas. I mean it in jest, but I mean it well to make a point which needs making.

I am, and chuse myself, to remain alone without party or platform. I have no Line to obey, my opinions and sensibilities serving as the closest equivalent. If I had to name a party which seems of positive prospect, I should probably say it is the Party for Socialism and Liberation, now that John Beacham seems to be, as far as I can tell, no longer in any kind of remotely leadership position. But I am done, comrades. My friend will likely continue to fight in the unending trench-war that is Leftist party-politic, and I wish him good luck, and a safe return if he should hope to quit as well.

Let the chips fall where they may, or let the atom be split before the trenches. I am continuing my doings, continuing my search for knowledge, and my cultivation of wisdom. The vanguard party shall come again, as they say. Praise be the ACP, I suppose.

I advise all of you to not trouble yourselves with loyalty to specific parties until there are better contenders about, or else you may waste years in a party that only ends up dying, or worse, falling into utter disrepute and disgrace.

You will be damaged from such things, and your time wasted.

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