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Blackshirts and Reds Notes II (10 February)

41m: Interesting how Parenti calls it a religious orthodoxy, as I once remarked that liberalism is a direct descendant of Papism (in fact, on page 20, Parenti mentioned how John Paulski II aided a fascist, go figure #1690). When the Protestant Reformation occurred, it only empowered the bourgeoisie as a side-effect by dismantling the Vatican-aligned aristocracy. Faced with a choice, the bourgeoisie decided that the religion of 'turn the other cheek [to your master] was much preferable to the religion which sprung up as a rebellion against mammon and corrupt practises. To better frame the picture: liberalism is Catholicism, socialism is Protestantism. Both of them agree on and share similar tenets of production (post-scarcity supper production, or Christianity). The former is the status-quo of how distribution and planning should be determined, whereas the latter is a Protest against this unjust traditional method.

41/42: This shifting of the goal posts to discredit Communists no matter their action on any matter really affects the policies and legacy of J V Stalin promised to aid Czechoslovakia, he is trying to start the Great Patriotic War against all Europe like a warmonger, when he signs a non-aggreßion pact (note: NOT AN ALLIANCE) to buy time for industrial relocation away from the border and Red Army mobilisation, he is being 'soft' or 'friendly' toward Nazism. If Stalin disbands the ComIntern after joining the Allies, then he has betrayed the revolution, but if he continues it then he is threatening the unity of the popular front (and hence again being 'pro-Nazi' somehow). If Stalin submits his resignation or loses a policy vote in the Central Committee, it is but a staged stratagem to improve his image, or (in the past, and more with Trotskyists and such) proof that most Communist Party cadres opposed Stalin, but when his resignation is rejected (not once, twice, or thrice, but foource! or his proposal is passed it is fordone he is an intimidating tyrannical murderer.

42b: All the arm-chair intellectual anarchist Chomsky ever does is retreat from his ever-dwindling number of radical positions, whilst increasingly acting as a pro-imperialist US puppet. He fordid nothing leß than a stooge for Biden and the Democrats this election. He accuses the KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) of aßisting Hitler's rise, when it was his own beloved 'leßer evil' [Social-] Democrats who endorsed Paul von Hindenburg for President, or as I like to call him 'the Herr who Appointed Evil Mustache Man Chancellor!

43mb: And one of the most satisfying situations which now often arises with these present-day liberal witch-hunters is when they, due to the anonymous nature of the internet, end up 'owning tankies' with their fellow 'comrade', at last chance to look a wee bit closer and realise that their erstwhile fellow is actually their folkscomrade/volksgenosse, a neo-Nazi who hates all leftists, just Communists especially.

44b: Ah, old George Blair Orwell, the leftist knight against leftism, the penultimate traitor (after Gorbi) who makes lists of us all for MI6 and the CIA. I cannot recommend the book Inside the Myth; Orwell: Views from the Left published by Lawrence and Wishart in 1984.

45m: Left-anarchists love bleating 'Goohoohoogle Boohoohookchin' when someone mentions the works of Lenin, Stalin, or Mao. Compared to these comrades, I see not why one would choose to read Bookchin over them. I certainly was not impreßed with the little of him I read.

45b: Stalin, in retrospect, was a hippie liberal pansy, and it was inexcusable that he did not have Khrushchev, the known Trotskyite wrecker shot.

48: This is an excellent demonstration of Prefeßor Deneen's thesis that liberalism is in fact an authoritarian ideology that feigns neutrality, one which has no qualms about working with or directly instructing fascists.

48b: I'm Joe... uh uh uh, you know, Prime Min... or President,,, uh uh... of you know where, and I segregate this meßage, man!


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