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Blackshirts and Reds Notes III CH: 7, 8,

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

87m: Most modern Communist parties have reached a consensus that the People's Republic of China is at the very least, market socialist, including the big names like the Workers' World Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Party of Communists USA, the Freedom Road Socialist Organisation, and the Progreßive Labour Party. The only three parties that do not share this view to my kennage are the old CPUSA and SPUSA (for bad, revisionist reasons) and the American Party of Labour (for sound reasons).

87m: Cuba at this point is lost to capitalism.

87m: Correction: imposed Pyizzah Hghyot.

91: If Rußia really did aid Trump in the election, then I must heartfully thank President Putin and the state security ministry for saving us from that warmongering corporatist Frau Hillary. When the US intervenes, degeneracy triumphs; when Rußia or Belarus intervenes, cultural enlightenment prevails.

95b: Proof that Polacks are scum of the Earth, and deserve nothing but a hot piece of lead in their empty skulls. #NeverForget the Danzig Genocide of 1935 and 1938.

97t: Parenti is here spreading lies: Comrade Lukashenko, being a man of strong intellect and conviction, was merely conjecturing on Hitler the historical man, and there is naught wrong with that (or should we execute all of our 1930s-1940s Germany historians?). I can do the same; the first half of Mein Kampf is artistically expertful, especially Hitler's emotional portrayal of the battlefield and the greater meaning of the war. Belarus is the last true Soviet Socialist Republic, just a new, Twenty-First Century style of socialism like Chavism/Bolivarianism.

113tm: And now, instead of being oppreßed by the harpsichord, lute, banjo, or flute, accompanied by the Red Army Choir, MVD Ensemble, Erich-Weinert-Ensemble and marchmusic, we are free to hear the gutter... or 'guitar' and the electric-popsicle et cetera, accompanied by STD-Dogg, K-Poop boybands, and onforth. Gentleman-aristocrats with full-breeches or culotte-breeches and find gold bullion embroidered coats were once respected, but now we are derided by brain-dead denim heads who poßeß more holes than SpongeBob (there are some petit-bourgeois women who join in this to be sinful, sexual beings and are interested in whatever dreß shows more of their bodies off) and speak Ghettovian. DE-GEN-ERATES!

113m: To this, my (Moscow) Foreign Languages Publishing House books are a stark qualitative contrast to all of my shittier post-1940 Western Books, hardcover or softcover (and my excellent Progreß Publishers books are not far off from this high quality,either!). Lawrence and Wishart and International Publishers deserve an honourable effort mentioning.

114t: Honestly, public libraries are so bad in the US, spreading garbage books which give in to society's nefarious elements, and politically, offering only rightist and Liberal anti-Communist propaganda (creating a feedback loop), that they really ought just to be closed down (and their inventories donated to the People's Biblium.

114mb: Exactly: Communism means gender equality, Western capitalism is bourgeois-feminist tyranny, dictatorship of the Women Stacie-Staff and the Chadeoisie.

119t: Base and Superstructure, Base and Superstructure.

120t: Chomsky is a pawn of US plankery, now a lapdog of 'Joe... uh, uh, uh, you know, my uh, my name, I am the Prime Minister of the United States, and I forgot this meßage'.

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