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Breaking: Donald Trump Shot in Assassination Attempt; What it Means, Who it Benefits.

Updated: Jul 18

The news is out that a vile thug has attempted to murder presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally to-day in Pennsylvania. Apparently, Trump turned his head at the fortuitous time, ensuring that the shot merely grazed his right ear, instead of getting the back of his head. Though I am not a supporter of Donald Trump, it is relieving to hear that he is in no more danger, and presumably the bullet and wound have been fixed up.

So, what does this assassination attempt mean? Well, it likely does not mean the opening of the civil war, as some have suggested. It may, however, mean the rise of a new æra of the attentat, that is the anarchist theory of political propaganda (aimed at the masses) made through the assassination of their 'overlords'. As the reports have stated, there were more hurts caused than exclusively Trump's: one person, outside of the shooter, was murdered, and two other persons were wounded as well. I have never thought of the attentat as anything but a sub-theory of terrorism, terror employed on the top microcosm, to trickle down unto the masses. The mass media, and the stinking Dublin Republic, have knowingly and most willingly ushered in this æra of political terror and violence to their own ends. This means only an increase of division and derision, which in time will lead to grosser terror and trauma.

Now we arrive at the big question: who has done this thing? And whither have they done so? I believe that we are witnessing a situation akin to the start of the Great War. To refresh your memory, Serbia was harbouring the Black Hand terrorists who had assassinated His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Austria was a, perhaps not strong, but still a respectable, sovereign monarchy, and they demanded that the Serbian state hand over these bloodthirsty, savage terrorists, or feel the full and unyielding might of Austrian arms. We know how the Serbs and their republican banker allies responded... for the rest is the sad, sad tale which we deem history.

Why cover this little lesson in history? I firmly consider it a possibility, indeed even a probability, that the republican state in Dublin and Joe 'I'm Irish' Biden's Fenian IRA fellows were the culprits behind this assassination attempt. We know that the current President of the United States holds Anglo-American citizens in disdain (as second-class citizens one wonders?), and that the Dublinite republicans feel naught but hostile contempt for this land and its folk, especially for those who support Donald Trump. No matter where you go, Timmy hates Red, White, and Blue, whatever pattern it comes in. Is it any coincidence that this assassination attempt took place the very next day after the Twelfth of July holiday? Democrats know Biden will likely lose, and the IRA scum are not known for respecting Anglo-American traditions, such as democratic decency. Is not their rallying cry that the 'Orangeman [is] bad'? Clearly they have the proper disposition and connexions of state to plan and to execute this evil act against Trump.

What can loyal and true Americans do in the wake of this foreign-domestic aggression? The Fenian collusion runs deep in this government at present, but I believe the Red, White, and Blue and the Great Pine Tree shall triumph over all the foreign elements. Outside of forming loyalist clubs and the like, we must above all keep the war-cry alive: 'NO SURRENDER!!!' We Are The People, and for this, we shall be victorious once again. Trump is alive, Dublin's cheap-shots have failed, now let us hope that we wrestle the state from the blood-soaked hands of these Fenian collaborators, and one day may we strike back hard against the Dublin Republic and their IRA terrorist arms.

Stay strong fellow Americans,

No Surrender and always remember,

We Are The People!

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