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Breaking my Schedule and the Future Style of the Blog

Well this is kind of shite, I've already broken my own posting schedule and we're not even a week into it. I have a particular problem, one that I touched upon in the 6 February Morning Correspondence, I don't really kenna yet where I wish to guide the blog. I kenna I don't want it to be a serious and refined as the Anti-Capitalist/Ante-Socialist blog, namely for two reasons: one, I want to actively produce content which would otherwise be too short to sell on the People's Biblium eBay page, opening up such avenues as my personal thoughts about current events, and two, I want to keep the blog somewhat personable, as opposed to severely academic and researchly.

Looking at it now, I think that I may have pretty much lied in the Morning Correspondence in a way. I do to a certain degree want this blog to be like a text version of a YouTube channel, focused obviously on myself as personality. I do have unique perspectives on things, that is undeniable even if I wanted to deny it. The only reason I don't start a YouTube channel is really due to shyneß and my own perceived embarraßing absence of oratorical-recordical skill (and an inability to learn it). I realise now that in order to start anywhere, you actually have to make the plunge. But specifically with YouTube, I face the dilemma of, as Voltaire gave phrase to it (or maybe it was Qui-Gon Jinn, I dicennst) 'the ability to speak does not make you intelligent'. Whether I were to go into gaming or political videos, I just don't see how I could add something of value, which for me is the real crux of the ißue. How many more gamers do we need in this world, or how many copy-pastes of Finnish Bolshevik, Jason Unruhe, or Hakim? There was a poll done some time back about what children from different countries want to be as an adult: the US and UK children answered 'YouTuber/Vlogger' the most, but Chinese children answered cosmonaut the most. You see what I mean?

So what have I thought about during these paragraphs? I think that I am going to be a little more relaxed on my personality interacting with the posts of the blog (you may all call me Comrade Dalin Jong-xi from now on, and you must get on your knees and bow your head at my presence or be shot- sincerely; Not The CIA). So the style will be more personal from now on, but the material of the blog won't drastically change due to this, I won't begin to go on rants about my day or the like, only content that is worthy will be here.

Oh right, the schedule. Until I get a new computer for myself (currently looking to obtain a cheap laptop) I really can't make any promises. Committing to the Morning Correspondence schedule will be practicable after I've gotten a personal computer. Once I do have a computer, the schedule will go into effect, it's a good schedule, just ahead of its time at the moment. I am definitely optimistic about this blog, even if hypothetically only say three people were to see it in its entire existence. The blog, as all good channels of social media should be, is for my own will, and is a benefit in itself. One o thing before I go, you may have noticed that the blog does not appear on search engines: I have no idea how to use the SEO Wizard thing, and from my point of view, it isn't a neceßity (for the time being, at this blog's stage). Maybe it will get added to Google automatically in a year if I continuously post, I don't kenna how it works. I am a simple Kennaught, the rest of you kenners (OMG he just, like, used the K-word for intellectuals, what a bigot, wait no, he's using the soft-r kennar, for his brothers) can laugh to your capacity! Here's to hoping these things resolve themselves in time, cheers.

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