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Briefly on Wreckers and Their Model of Sabotage

Picture Created by Me.

There is one subject that just keeps popping back into my view: whether it is in relation to the Biblium, or the Reading Club, or this Blog, there are always some elements that wish to go, as Lenin wrote 'One Step Forward, Two Steps Back'. I shall not feign kennage of their reasoning. I will, however, offer a bit of speculation and perhaps attempt a foretelling of what the conclusion would poßibly be in following this logic to its ultimate end. First, there is a very strong dividing line between two of the sects of these elements. One of the sects is hostile to any proposal which might be innovative, unorthodox, the other sect is merely indecisive, but can see the projects' inspiration, and the prosperity it might bring. It is the latter sect I prefer negotiating and sharing with, as the former generally leaves very bad memories. But why are these sects existing in the first place? The former is a leftover of feudal prejudice and witch-hunting, the latter has not yet abandoned feudal economic relations (and therefore is inordinately wary of capitalist economic development, unkenning how to invest profit into making a limitleß cycle of capital).

These elements are strongly rooted into the societal scape to be sure. And they are everywhere within it, even in the best of Communist parties. We must in effect always be on guard in our personal lives and in our political and economic dealings. Remember well; the former sect of these elements, in order to infiltrate and benefit from your succeßes shall pretend to be a staunch proponent of whatever it is you are working toward, but begin questioning them on its finer points, and you may find them becoming quickly agitated until they reveal that they never really cared about the cause. Another way these elements may be unveiled is if the cause gets into a difficult predicament, as Lenin kennad, these same opportunistic elements shall waste no haste jumping ship. I hope to make a more thorough theoretical exploration of Wreckers and Wreckerism at a later date.

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