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Change to an Evil, or Change to an Else?

What Ic am looking for more than anything is change from the undesirable stagnation presiding now over the present status cwo. That, for many reasons, the conditions found reigning at the current time cannot, or if not so, ought not to be maintained.

When one dares to admit to this line of reasoning, they are denounced with some sort of what might be called Evilism. 'Leßer Evilism' has risen to ultimance as of late. Politically, shadowy neo-Nazi bogey-men are strawed up to use as the excuse to continue what begins appearing more and more as unconditional support for the ancien regime and its primary political party. These oh so faithful 'friends of the folc' are far too tiring to heed any longer.

Ic am here declaring that, if not aiding the rotten ancien party ends in Adolf Hitler himself arriving in a time bell to take state power, then Ic refuse to be held responsible for attempting to improve society out of the never-ending loop of stagnation and the tragic destruction of high culture and the intelligentsia, no matter what asides occur concurrently. A fascist seizure for twelve years would to me be merciful compared to living in a never-ending for ever economically unequal, culturally degenerate Weimar.

The Democratic Party despises all three hundred glorious years of high culture, and believes in the proletariat and equality so far as bestooling them during electoral advertisements, only to forget them upon stated stool. Very well, so be it. But hear this clearly, Ic say: having made cennst the contract been needed to satisfactorily respect my cultural ideology and the claß which I uphold, do not beseech me for aßistance when you have so disregarded this contract, so disrespected my formulation of cultural ideology, and so disemboweled my high intellectual cultural, and enriched yourselves at the expence of this claß. You may graciously kiß the polished leather of my jackboots, or suck my thick, golden epaulette fringes, however, I would never allow you a hand nor hair near my silk top hat parfay!

To paraphrase Citizen Robespierre: quit shaking the Democrats' brown shirt in my face, or Ic shall think that THEY have enabled fascism! So please, do not spin legal straws of how Ic am somehow morally obliged to a degenerate, stagnant party of the ald regime for a poßible future outcome which my abatement of support will have played but one per cent in having doesanen. Ic do not care anymore, for Ic am saving high culture, even though so I must by my self. Culture over all things, including economic and politic, vulgar inventions in themselves to be sure, most unbefitting of a cultured gentleman (and yes, Ic do mean gentlehomme in the pre-bourgeois, exclusive sense of the word). The reason Ic at all sullied myself by stooping into politic was to empower a claß who you, my dear Democrats, my malignant marketeers, have stepped on in the cwest for increasing wealth!

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