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Draft... The Exquisite contra The Mächtig (of Grandeur and Gemacht)

Dear friends, my friend and I have come to different conclusions on something of great significance for the cultural policy and ideology of the future. To preface this, first. This is going to be but a rough draft post of the true article, which shall be entirely rewritten and posted on the New Political-Economic Kennan blog at

I would like to state as well that, in order to fully articulate some arguments, I may have to make educated suppositions or logical extensions of my friend's view, and mean this not in any way. We shall hereafter call my friend and comrade Bathezarius.

My friend and I are both leftists, but we could not agree the leß on the Great Cultural Question. I consider rococco architecture and aristocratic practise the height of human civilisation, whereas to my forstanding he views the 'mächtig' (gemacht is one of his favourite terms) time of humanity as the best. He believes that modern culture invariably loops back to the glory of the volk consciousneß (a kind of Völkisch concept). I think a great example representative of our situation is the Hitler-Mußolini paradox or the much starker Führer-Kaiser rivalry, One wants a savage will in a worldbattle, the other wishes for a traditional, clean conduct, one, a Teutoburg bleeding in the forest, the other, a Rome of grandest imperial splendour. One austere, the other decadent.

My friend is greatly attracted to the worldview of the volksgemeinschaft as the full expreßion of communism. I could not disagree more with this proposition. To me, total communism means that every man will live in a Versailles Palace of some style or another, and most importantly, all shall begin to ACT LIKE they live in a Versailles, instead of pretending to be ghetto garbage, speaking that mangled form of English, Ghettovian (more mangled than post-1066!). I desire to stamp my boot on the face of the middle claßes' anti-culture, their drugsex rap, their ruckus and roll, their wretched dreß with more holes than a sponge, made of ultra-proceßed fake cotton. Their idiotic individualist machines labelled 'cars' and so very much more. I hate everything peasant-like, and my friend loves the peasantry as the truest instance of gemacht in society. The middle claßes' are no better than an aßortment of latter-day peasant fertiliserheads, and the Junkers as a claß are too weak to repulse this invasion of the vulgars.

Well, that is it for my rough draft, visit the above link sometime for my fully articulated edition of this matter.

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