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Early Morning (I.00 am) Discourse

Good moin again, my dear fellows. It seems that sleep is a luxury which I shall once more not be able to attain. So be it. Lovely night, is it not? Cooler than it has been in a while. My throat is absolutely tarnished with mucusal backup. Nothing that a hot cup of the Thinkers' Brew cannot cure of course. Ironic when you think about it, Woden's wisdom was found in his meade, and yet it is coffee which fuels the enlightened rise of the intelligentsia. Speaking of which, have any of you caught Ocean Keltoi's new video on the biases in the sources of Heathenry? Yeah, was just watching that before I decided to come on here on share my very early moin with all of you. Interesting question of historical ideological contamination in study. I am currently working on some new works of my own, one on self-actualisation and how it has changed in the modern day among them. Having acceß to the entire catalogue of the People's Biblium has immensely aided my learning, and every day, I thank Woden and the founder of the Biblium for his righteous cause for cennan.

Man, the amount of sleep that I get is not nearly enough. Bah, sleep, or strength? I choose strength; strength in learning! It reminds me of the tale of Bentley Thoughton, a great warrior who fought his battles not with a sweord, but with a pether (a pen). The degenerate hordes came unto him, seeking his destruction. And so Thoughton cried. He cried so sincerely that Culturan, weorldbeing of intellectuality and glory, arose to help his faithful son drive back the fyrd of thugs. I too wish to take up the pether in the name of his gloriousneß, Culturan weorldlord of all things lordly, father of all intellectuals and aristocrats. We must all honour his sanctity.

What do all of you think about magic? Specifically I ask about rune-magic? How do the runes work exactly? I dare not touch them, for their power is so godly I would be frightened to anger any of the gods. The only runes which I have ever touched are amulet charms from Grimfrost, for protection, and good luck. Are we mere mortals worthy, or even capable of wielding such magic? The Christians are buffoons when it comes to the conception of power. I hope that it is now common cennan amongst Western audiences that the Word, in whatever form, whatever language, whatever method of writing script, is in itself raw power. It has been the Word which has communicated every single idea ever cennst, for ideas not communicated in words, are either quickly forgotten, or more likely, never escape their thinker's mind. Runes are a mode of Word, a much more potent mode than the Latin or Greek alphabet, and so must be handled with the highest care.

Writing is indeed central to my very actualisation, my fulfiled existence. Perhaps I am already wielding a great amount of power in my wielding of many Words. Gods, please be not the case! My existence would be incomplete without interaction of the Word, but power is anti-thetical to my fulfilment, it is a decreasing of it. The greatest prestige philosophers comes not from being studied bureaucratically in a claßroom, but from having one true companion who continues your arfoth. 'The God who gave us Iron Share, he asked of free men demands, he grabbed the sable, sweord, and spear, and granted them to our hands'. Well, it is II.46, (am obviously). Being that it shall soon be III, I must get back to study for my upcoming works. I hope that my insomniac rambling was not too boring. In fact, if you even made it this far to begin with, feel free to pretend this post never happened. Good moin!

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