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Foundations of Leninism Notes I (to Page 18)

J V Stalin, 24 September 2020: Left Margin Book Club

15: The purpose of this work is to offer a concise synopsis of the basics of Leninism to aid comrades in its succeßful study.

15: Comrade Stalin is here explaining that Lenin's thoughts and Leninism as system cannot logically be the same thing, as Marx made clear himself regarding 'I am not a Marxist' as he wrote.

15: Leninism is the theory of how to build and organise the Party and the revolution, as well as developing a Marxist analysis of late-stage capitalism and of imperialism. While it took hold in Rußia, this has naught to do with any such 'national characteristics'. Leninism and Marxism are scientific ideologies, whereas the above rather misinterprets them as no more than policies or at best, strategies. Ideologies are much more fluid in political and certainly economic activity than the former.

16: Comrade Stalin makes an important point: modern liberalism is

to-day based on concocting lies and restricting kennan in such a way which would not require the retraction of information, thus maintaining the illusion of educational liberty. Liberalism would prefer to tell the proletariat that Marx was a post-modernist social-democrat, and MLK was a gender-queer trans-black nationalist, all in an elaborate scheme to twist these revolutionary heroes' meßage, at the same time making the proletariat divided along social lines. Comrade Engels, Comrade Lenin, Comrade Stalin, and later comrades such as Michael Parenti, Finnish Bolshevik, and Grover Furr restore the true wards of these proletarian warriors, hence why liberals despise them (videlicet the restorationists)

16: I disagree with Comrade Stalin here, for he is being too modest. Leninism was too late to really serve as a model tactic of the dictatorship of the proletariat. It would be more appropriate to suggest that Lenin created the blueprints for the DotP, but it and actual socialist construction were only officially, fully theorised under the bright Red Banner of J V Stalin-Thought, videlicet the vital thought and experience contributed by Comrade Stalin to the treasury of Marxism-Leninism in a set historical period. Trotskyites mislabel Stalin-Thought as an ideology (an ism) for they do not support Leninism put into practise.

16: It should be made clear that Comrade Stalin substitutes the term democracy for republic as many erroneously do in the post-Enlightenment æra. It should also be made clear, however, that due to this error it is impoßible to ascertain whether Comrade Stalin is referring to the Soviet DotP (more likely) or the presuumtive communist direct-democracy. The distinction between a republic and a democracy is profound: a republic is always some type of claß dictatorship with elections, whilst a democracy boasts the absence of a direct claß dictatorship and its accompanying representatives. In circumstances where there exists legal or cultural claß preferences, such as Athens, these states are called 'limited, or 'legal', 'true', or 'public' democracies.

17: Although at first glance, one might consider Comrade Stalin incorrect about imperialism (they could say 'but Comrade Stalin, if imperialism is indeed the highest, most concentrated form of capitalist contradiction, then why is the US so strong and the Western Left so weak?'). In asking this, the questionee has inadvertently proven Comrade Stalin correct: the bourgeoisie only creates a large standing army, propagandises both the education system and the media, and invests a deep-intel state such as the FBI-CIA--NSA with ruling power when it is worried about unrest (as another aside, English schools have forbidden the use of anti-capitalist material in the claßroom just of late).

17 Regarding the hegemony of banks and monopolies, the Democrats represent the banking and technology capitalists, the Republicans represent the traditional labour company and oil capitalists.

Next time, we will be starting with page 18 of Foundations of Leninism (in the Problems of Leninism set of selected works). Stay tuned.

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