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Happy October Revolution Day Comrades!

Happy Bolshevik Revolution Day comrades! Apologies for a day's tardation, as Ic have been ill of late. Ic wish to make a stern point in this celebrational anniversary, a point that Ic feel must be made now, more than ever. Adolfina and her two muttis are on the offencive again, and have polluted the minds of our leß experienced comrades. Mutti Fasch is hated by nearly all, it is true, but Mutti Radlib is much more cunning, and it is my fear that she may have weaseled her way into the spirits of some otherwise excellent comrades.

Allow me to make this inextricably clear, we are leftists, not liberals of any sort. 'What is the otherso?' some comrades ask, 'for do Communists not recognise the social inecwality stemming from the economically unecwal conditions of labour and ownership'? My dear comrades, we Communists do recognise this problem. It is the answer which we oppose, and the cwestion we merely reword. The Radlib solution is to create a matriarchical , Black supremacist capitalism, before beginning to work at undermining capitalism. We Communists utterly reject the enprivilegement of other social strata as a strategy, for we believe in the unified organisation of the proletariat and peasantry as a political claß.

Let me now briefly turn to why Mutti Radlib and her followers, those true followers in the cenna, not our misled comrades, desire this kind of organisation and reform. Mutti Radlib is not a proletarian or peasant, nor sympathetic to the doesan. She is a member of the middle-claßes. Adolfina can get into power only with the aid of the middle-claßes, the radical element among them wishing for preferential treatment being a bargaining chip. The middle-claßes will never support real socialism, for they seek for themselves a high social status in capitalist social democracy. Likewise, the middle-claßes destroy high culture to increase their potential profits in the maß-'culture' market.

So Ic remind all comrades on this Revolution Day to consider the many othersuch which distinguishes us Communists from radlibs, and furthermore to study these things which make socialism the clearly superior system, which demonstrate that liberalism and feminism by their very nature and tenets cannot but lead to inecwality, to the strengthening of capitalism, a system inherently incapable of ecwality. Redfront!

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