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Harris, Cheney, and the Third Position Nature of the Harrisdrop-Cheneyslop Pact

There's a Modi and her toady writing out the Party Line. We have entered the DNC's Dritte Weg phase of capitalist degeneration with the signing of what a Trotskyist has (rightly) denounced as the 'Harrisdrop-Cheneyslop Pact'. There has been a feeling of a nascent party realignment speculated upon in post-liberal circles. In this article, I hope to analyse something of these matters.

So it has come to pass (as I said it one day should) that the warmongering Dick Cheney has become a celebrated loyal volksgenosse of the NSDNC. In the recent presidential debate, Harris continuously bragged about how the military-financial complex supported her over Donald Trump. Harris has made it eminently clear that she is, like Modi in India, firmly in the pockets of Goldman-Sachs and the Right-liberal populist warlords of the Bush-Cheney persuasion (misnamed neo-,,Conservatism'').

I think it important to make notice that the decay of capitalism and the rise of fascism do not solely advance in relation to the severity of crisis, but as well in the common development of philosophy, theory, and parties/organisations. Just as a new communist tendency or party may improve on an older one, enabling the victory of socialism, so too does fascism experience such processes. Some seem to think that the only difference betwixt the Beer Hall Putsch and the appointment to chancellor was the need of the capitalists, and perhaps grosser acquiescence to fascism by the masses. This is erroneous in its bare simplicity, and its ignorance of internal development within fascism. The NSDAP of 1924 was less advanced and efficient than the NSDAP of 1933, and the former DAP less advanced by leagues to both of them.

One particular emphasis which must not be downplayed is the Harris Campaign's ardent support for what they misleadingly call 'middle-class small businesses'. Harris likely knows that small business is a retrogression within the cycle of capitalist development, but the 'middle-class' part is true enough. If small businesses can not be meant, then which stratum within the middle-classes does the Harris Campaign intend to support? Advanced fascism tends to court two types of populism, an institutional form of burgher ('middle-class') populism, and a popular form of lower populism. The NSDAP filled these roles with the SS and the SA, respectively. I expect that the Harris Campaign and the DNC are filling the former with professional-managerial wokery, and the latter with Cheney's Bushfederate butter-nuts. It is a synthesis! We had Right-liberalism ('neo-Conservatism'), then Left-liberalism (neo-liberalism), and now the unified überliberalism— transcendent liberalism as it must one day have been. And what is liberalism transcended but fascism? Did not the NSDAP synthesise many disparate interests, including both Leftist and virtuous ones?

Now the US Left is stuck in a political predicament reminiscent to that in 1939-1940. This is where, as viewers of TOAC may know or suspect, I am in full agreement with the anti-passive Trotskyists. I have for some time held a non-intervention policy towards foreign communist parties, included in my view of the Comintern. Until the turning point in June 1941, it should have been absolutely correct for US communists to oppose fascism, and that means above all agitating for war with the Brown Beast of Berlin. After 1941, any mention of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact could only serve to be divisive, for the Soviets had by that time proved the explicitly opportunist nature of the Pact: having consistently increased the Red Army's budget, increased war productions, and relocated industry from the border to the Urals til that point.

I repeat that, in to-day's terms, the correct position for the US Left to take is one of absolute and uncompromising opposition to Harris and the NSDNC, until either of them conclusively, permanently, and of course publicly and officially, rejects and denounces the support of this proto-fascist murderer. Before this happens, Harris and the NSDNC must be treated in the manner of fellow-fascists, assisting a top-ranking war-criminal to escape from the moral Nürnberg trial of public opinion. Unless the US Left takes a principled stand against this, then nay matter which of the two dictator-parties wins, fascism will remain the ultimate beneficiary and the Left the defeated party.

As an aside at the end here, I must admit what a shocking disappointment it is to find solely Bolshevik-Leninists (Trotskyists) expressing indignation at this evil endorsement. It feels as if Marxist-Leninists are intending to repeat the policy exactly as it was formulated in the past, with the NSDNC as the new CPSU(B)/Comintern. Outrageous and Begrendellike! I give credit to the Intercept and the YouTube channel 'Grabien' for bringing attention to it at least. That Thoughts of a Comrade has to rely on Bolshevik-Leninists telling the truth, due to the bewildering silence of Marxism-Leninism, is a very bad sign indeed.

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