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How you can Help this Blog (a Call to Action, a Call to Arms)

Hey comrades, so, I've wanted to delay this post indefinitely, but on second thought, it may be best just to get this finished here and now. So comrades, what is it that I need you to do? You have perhaps noticed the patreon link at the top: that is NOT what the blog needs at the moment. The blog more than any thing requires two things to sustain itself

I. The blog needs an active, consistent audience ('subscribers', if you will), who look forward to a new post, and come by at least weekly.

II. An audience to begin with, videlicet publicity and comradely promotion to spread it to the maßes.

These two requirements are eßential to the blog's survival. That is not to say that I will pull the plug early, or will try deceitful tricks to preßure the blog's current base to promote it or else. Comrades, I merely ask that you find time to give a nice word or two about the blog (and its link of course) to your fellow friends and comrades.

Let us mention where the blog stands financially. Comrades, I wish Thoughts of a Comrade to be a candid place for leftist material, education, and guidance. With this comes honesty on the financial front. The blog as of now incurs no fees. Aßuming this remains the case, the blog can continue infinitely. However, if Wix ever disposes of its free site option, or we hit the free site's appointed storage cap, then the blog will have to make a decision (depending on how many people have donated and such). A poßible work-around is to archive all the blog posts after a year or two on Patreon or a Word document/PDF which shall then potentially be made for download (but I do not kenna where such a download would be hosted).

That is all I wished to say on this matter. I find unsavoury the grovelling to such admirable and excellent comrades as yourselves, who doubtleß have your own important obligations to fulfil. If you can find the time, please aid the blog in its growth. Many thanks.

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