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I (1) AM Typestream (Early Morning Discourse)

Greetings, friends, and welcome to the netlog version of a livestream; the Typestream! the nature of the netlog does not allow for real-time interaction, so the next best thing would be to emulate the immediateneß of content delivery within the real-time broadcast, with all of the informality which that entails. Indeed, I have no written script in front of me, and I have only just briefly thought about the topics which I want to discuß in the Typestream.

First, I am going to complain about eBay (ho, big surprise, I am sure). Recently eBay has been putting down punishments on me for not fulfiling my orders within their ludicrous three-day time spot. Now, mind you, back until a few months ago, definitely before eBay declared war on Paypal, my routine of shipping things once every seven days was perfectly fine, and my seller rating reflected this. It is only in this vicious eBay crusade world where my practises are unacceptable aiding and abetting the Paypal scoundrels. I cannot even cancel orders anymore, and I have a suspicion that this is related to the new eBay regime, and the punishments which they have meted against me. I have also noticed that eBay sellers are doing shadier stuff as of late, such as calling in return cancellations early, sometimes by weeks early, and eBay seems to be granting them their demands. The eBay 'community' has become extremely rotten with all of the wrong elements since eBay began the Paypal purge, and the ensuing tyrannical reign which cemented the terrors of the purge. If I ever manage to sell the last of my stock listed on eBay, I am reverting my account to a buyer-only one, I am sick of the new-found haßle and expence of selling on eBay.

But enough of that disappointing nonsense. Let us talk about theology. I never believed in the whole Trinity thing, even when I was an imbecile. How can one entity be three others at the same time, unleß in a claßificatory sense. But, if we take the claßification approach, that would mean that this Jesus fellow and the Holy Sprite (please sponsor my blog C-C!) are also gods, breaking the rule of monotheism. How can three things exist as one at the same time? I say that this is simply an impoßibilty. Isaac Newton also thought it so. Appeal to authority aside, why would any person wish to subject themselves to the reign of a violent, Middle-Eastern tyrant? I mean, mutual respect and the liberty of belief can be extended only so far. If I worship a murderer, who has followers who commit murder as well, then I think I can certainly be counted as an accomplice to murder. We could use this extreme example: I am a National Socialist, and I worship Hitler, but I claim to be a 'moderate National Socialist', separate from the radical Nazi extremism of the Himmlerite National Socialists. Hell, you could even replace Hitler with Anton Drexler, and use Hitlerites as the 'extremists', it matters not. Both heads advance the party line of the NSDAP, both endorse to some degree the crimes of fascism and National Socialism, and both of them have so-called 'extremist' followers. Instead of saying there are 'moderate' and 'extreme' followers of the NSDAP, we simply say, the NSDAP is violent and extreme. Why do we give Abrahamic religion a paß? Is not religion merely ideology of a previous age? And to add greater insult to the injury, I would rather live in a fascist state than an Abrahamic one. That is not to hate on the believers of said religions, just my opinions when they haven't had time to be ironed out before publishment. I would not be as harsh normally, if it were not for the fact that I am typing all of this in a state of sleep deprivation and without having any sense of draft pre-made.

I am quite saddened at the state of intellectual community. We really do not have any community to speak of at present, except, perhaps, those of us who are lucky and idealistically moribund enough to obtain university posts. But those of us who still hope for organic community, we are the torch-bearers of thought, and of freedom from overarching entities. The spirit of community remains kindled within us. Actually, community in general is of course dying in our time. It has become a very lonely world for those of us who have ever cennst even a minute of fellowship. I remember fondly my friends, all subscribers, the first subscribers, to the Philosopher's Interior. Most of my dreams these days are about them. I hate having these dreams, only bedoes it is so painful when I wake up, and realise that the wonderful friendships revisited was just a fleeting dream. The clock really has ruined everything. Two plus Four years was too short a time, many of the friendships were only for the four years, but there were three of them that lasted for the total six (subtracting the conniving 'Travis' from the list).

Well, that ends my unscripted Typestream. I hope even one of you enjoyed it. Very much like my early morning discourses, I must say.

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