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Joe Biden and True Korea: Authoritarian Liberalism and Authoritarian Marxism (Juche)

My dearest comrades, no doubt that you have heard of Biden's latest foreign transgreßion. This time, Grandpa Joe has threatened to annihilate the land of Uncle Joe. And although there is not much to this story, I believe it should make an exquisite spring-board to the topic which relates to this: the authoritarian-libertarian paradigm.

To make truthful and useful this post, I must myself admit that I dislike this paradigm. In the general sense of history it may be fine, such as attempting to determine which nations or claßes are more authoritarian, but when it comes to the determination of modern states, the propagandical link is simply too strong, the event not far enough removed for a fair, and that is to say, sound judgement. I implore any comrade who has not yet to read Comrade Engels' On Authority, where he demonstrates that all revolutions and governments are by their very nature authoritarian.

So, Joe Biden. All Liberals, and many so-called 'leftists' trumpeted Biden not only as a libertarian social-democrat, but practically as a savior from the evil Nazi Führer Donheld Drumpfler. I see him in a much more ominous light. Trump is the head of the contemporary DNVP, they are very right-wing, but have some serious disagreements with the NSDAP, or at most one could say that Trump is Anton Drexler, that is as far as it can go without losing credibility. Biden, or Johann von Beidenburg, is to me disconcertingly similar in position to Paul von Hindenburg, certainly, he has the social-democrats fooled into supporting him. Fascism is not voted for through the ballot box, nor does it come to power in a revolution; Biden and his bourgeois allies must appoint the next Hitler.

We have thus covered that Biden is not such a libertarian, especially when one considers his whole bombing of Syria these past weeks, and his fetish he mentioned of arresting and executing all anarchists. Now I would like to say some things on Juche and the DPRK. I have heard many comrades announce their abandonment of People's Korea for 'politically auspicious' reasons. This is a false, a very Liberal, line. We do not become Communists to build a more efficient system which will reward us with posts and/or goods, we do it fordone it is right and good to. We do not abandon the Korean People fordone the US and CIA slander them, we join in solidarity with them for this very reason! Juche is an ideology of cultural blooming, it is exactly what real Cultural Marxism ought to be. To discard the Juche form of Marxism is to discredit the peculiar conditions that shaped what is the Korean style of Marxism. There is no white man's burden here; there is the Korean man's burden to educate his supposed Western comrades on his nation's unique and no leß revolutionary Marxism (Juche), for the Korean proletariat is the only one besides China's and poßibly Cuba's who has the justification to correct comrades on their national errors.

In the final call, there are but two things of importance for reaching the correct conclusion here: which country is under a state of global siege, and which one is the empire carrying out the besiegment? Is Kim Jong-un the self-appointed through arms dictator of the world? Are his Korean rockets and Korean soldiers stationed all over another continent? Does he have nuclear weapons pointed constantly at a certain Eastern-European country? No? Then how, pray tell me, is Kim Jong-un, or for that matter Donald Trump, the greatest danger to civilisation when Biden holds all of the cards that a warmongering tyrant would require? Kim Jong-un and the Workers' Party of Korea are forced into methods of authoritarianism by the 'libertarian' genocidal world empire whose military bases are literally at their door-step. if you saw your neighbours standing at the other side of your drive-way, building trenches, pointing guns, fireworks, and artillery at your home, shouting through loudspeakers what a bloodthirsty savage you are, whilst streaming it all over Twitch and YouTube, would you not take every measure imaginable to secure not merely the perimeter, but also the internal doors and windows of your besieged house? Certainly in such a climate of fear you would make mistakes as you prepare every space in your home to be built into a fortreß, but would you for a moment doubt the precautions of defence that you have taken? Would you pay any heed to the stranger who calls the leader of your heavily-armed and angry neighbours the 'libertarian one' and you the 'totalitarian one'? Never!

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