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Joe Biden, Republicanism, 'Democracy', 🙲 Small Busineß

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

Joe Biden has just paßed another set of PPP 'small bußineß relief '. Master John Locke and all New England's spirits call out in gall at Biden's anti-republican play to re-institute feudalism. What greatful off 'ring shall we bring to save us from his evil machinations? He be the spawn of Charles and James, the murderer of liberty!

Why is this small busineß PPP bill such a danger to republicanism? Well, of course much of it is recorded in history, but to summarise that bitterful history briefly: when modern politicians talk about 'democracy' they mean to say feudalism. Any one with a wee bit of kennan on the field of political philosophy shall right forstand that small busineß is the mode of production which generates artisanal or sans-culottal power and existence. These claßes, it is true, can be persuaded to adopt a more left position (as shewn during the French Revolution), but never one which is altogether anti-property. When it comes to that dilemma, the feudal petite-bourgeoisie either throws its favour to absolute monarchism (James II), or to one of the modern incantations of absolutism, most predominantly in present history being fascism.

I have found it so perplexing how the illogical term 'democracy' has overcome the proper and just one 'republicanism' in modern liberal discourse. But it has occurred to me, one of my comrades was correct of a sort: liberalism does not consider 'democracy' to be a governing structure as all pre-Twentieth Century intellectuals had, but to be the new dominating economic system. Democracy has become the safe-word for feudalism. Republicanism has been ostracised from political discourse. We are perhaps witneßing the final crisis of capitalism, one which will dißolve its economic basis for feudal holdings. And it would follow that in a world without capitalism, so too should there be no such entity as a republic, no ideology as republicanism. In the coming century, spear-headed by the United States, the very concept of citizenry shall be dispensed with, borders will be non-existent, rights tied to naught. All of those Synthetic Leftists who demanded these things shall then look upon their designs with horror at what they have dealt us. The death of capitalism and of republicanism cheered on by these imbeciles now, shall spell absolutism in politics and absolute misery in life.

What is to be Done? Take up arms; fight, Fight!!! Recall how the right honourable Master Cromwell fought these devious plots to restore absolutist 'democracy' (feudalism) to England, and recall also how New England waged a holy, sacred war against these same dæmons which Joe Biden thus serves. Do not surrender your armaments or matériel until the political establishment makes amends to reaffirm the righteousneß of the Republic and our republican ideology over 'democracy' (feudalism). Remember to guard your pocketbooks and pistols, as the Founders once did, (I refer here to the Extended Founders, which include the Founding Fathers and their prior English heroes, of which Cromwell and Locke are two notable examples). To arms, citizens! This we Appeal to Heaven! The cry is No Surrender!

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