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No Thank you for the 'Service' of State Sanctioned Murder

Let me tell ye a little story. Back a while ago, there was a reenactment held. Nothing unusual, indeed, except for when ye examine the guest list. Invited and placed on a pedestal at that event was none other than an SS veteran. It was claimed, of course, that he was an a-political end-of-war Waffen SS servant. My friend however, thought that this dark being was in fact early-war SS and perhaps even in the pre-war iteration Allgemeine SS. If this is true, then the explanation that this veteran was 'a-political' would be utterly shattered. There is no such thing as an a-political member of the Allgemeine SS, that is like saying an 'a-political' member of the Sturmabteilung can exist! Yet even so, all of the United (C)SA veterans and the reenactors thanked him for his 'service'. This is a terrible deed. Thanking him for helping Adolf Hitler take power? Excuse me: NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN! Don't thank him for that! What, are ye a brain-dead arselicker of all fascist personnel?

Ic have never liked the phrase 'thank you for your service'. Ic thank someone who holds the door open, or who organises a reading club, bedoes Ic cenna that their service of that moment is a good one. But to blanketly deem all the service they do, all throughout the day as good? That is far beyond the scope to which Ic can be honest in thanking them. Thanking someone for state sanctioned murder? Nein danke! Don't think what they tell ye to; Think For Yehself (Dummy)! TFY. That is what Ic wrote in a Philosopher's Interior article reposted on this blog, and just to-day reposted in The Philosopher's Interior Renewed (here). Long have Ic been perturbed by just how hollow the adherence to republicanism really is, so much so in fact that no one seems to even remember the otherso betwixt republicanism and democracy, which are most certainly not the same thing. The middle-claßes and the bourgeoisie are fiends of true liberty in conscience, for they would much rather have blind obedience, conformity to the whims of the market, and ever the more overarching state power. This phrase of 'thank you for your service' is the epitome of the rejection of critical thinking, of the disrepute of engaging in the search of conscience which republican revolutionaries of the past used to champion as the very doesan of republicanism.

Nay, Ic will not thank state sanctioned murderers for killing. For Ic am cwite cognizant of the fact that these state murderers could just as easily be turned against the domestic citizenry one day. Ic am in favour of citizens' militias for a doan, after all. And to those who use the argument that a citizens' militia can never be beholden to 'law and order', Ic ask in turn why they trust the law and order set by the rulers of the state so much more than the independent wills of various citizens? The tyrannical authority of the state is upheld with the very threat of violence: one citizens' militia being made of neo-Nazis has a far leßer ability to inflict harm or fear in the whole population as the iron despot of the state military can. The choice is one of greater conscience, we can choose the state, which all of us cenna has the violent force neceßary to subjugate us and terrorise all of the citizenries of the Earth, or we can place the dice gamble of our confidence in the arming of the many groups of the citizenry, some being unsavoury, though many others defending our liberty of conscience.

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