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On the Exponential Benefits of Consuming Cool Fruit

Many do not realise the true nature of the juice within fruit. They compare said juices sub-consciously to to tea leaves and coffee beans, and then tell to the stand of reason that there is no detriment to the enfeasting on fruit whose juices have been contaminated by unsound atoms. When fruit is warm, the atoms which comprise of it are packed leß tightly than if they should have been chilled, allowing vital nutrients to depart, and bacterial particles to take their place.

All fruits in which plentiful traces of juice pervade ought to be placed in a freezer two to five minutes before devourment, and ten to twenty so if done in a refrigerator. Most of the nutrients in fruit respond positively to the chilling proceß, unlocking pivotal enzymes which nourish the fruit itself, or the human body that consumes it. One contributing factor to illneß is the eating of warm, and thus contaminated fruits, for when the bacteria is ingested, it uses those same (however diminished) enzymes to energise itself. The human body, being a heated capsule, is also a great incubator of these warm-fruit entities.

It would be neglectful of my audience's health for me to omit the harmfulneß of cold tea and coffee. Coffee and tea which does not preside leastfully at room temperature likewise faces a contraction of atoms, but due to the difference in characteristics and methods of preparation, bacteria is provided ample space to fester and them 'hibernate' until ingestion. Fordone this bacteria has no immediate source of energy for replication in the beverage, it shall naturally be of a hardier strain (or be a virus), proving all the more deadly.

I now raise one question inevitable: say 'tell sir, if these tales are indeed of healthful merit, then why have they before now paßed silent in the uncennst?'. The resolution is to do with the monopolisation of scientific enquiry and endeavour by moneyed interests, and the aristocracal rise of the caste of 'learned men' and 'doctors of science/medicine/psychology/et alia. These falsemen maintain the practises of the Beast, who in turn bribes the richmen to confuse the sacred truth. They are all acolytes of the frost-giants, and follow the 'divine, holy' command of their 'lordly' fire-giant, the Dark-King Yahweh. The ultimate objective, as much of us kenna, is to defile and finally exterminate Wōden's children and any gods whom may still live. Tell ironic that the Dark-King is attempting to kill the Allfather's creations with fruit, is it not?

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