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On the Removal of Shakespeare's and Others' Portraits (I Had a Dream)

I had a dream last nime. I had a dream, that authors past or present would not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the quality of their content. I had a dream, where literary black writers and literary white writers could co-exist in harmony without besmirching the latter to supposedly 'empower' the former. I had a dream. And not only did I have a dream, for a very great man also shared this dream. But alas, the wisdom of this great man has been eschewed from higher discourse, for where his words are echoed, they echo hollow, divorced from the meßage he wished to impart.

Thus, we must ask, 'who has exerted such force to make shallow the beliefs and dreams of this man?' Well, Doctor King has already answered this question. It is the white moderate, whose livelihood Doctor King's beliefs are a threat to, wherefore they connive to 'enhance' (distort) his vision of justice. William Shakespeare may have been a racist, Friedrich Nietzsche could have been a proto-Nazi*; how does their exorcising from history and places of learning benefit the plights of the black populace? How does conjuring new terminologies such as 'people of colour' improve the lot of any single black person under the Sun, besides turning their very existence into an object of study and toying for linguists? This crusade against Shakespeare is shameful, both from the perspective of literature and civil rights. The white moderate of to-day would rather topple statues, burn books, and desecrate paintings than actually engage with the black worker in the factory or on the street. Pray tell me, dear white moderates, are your lattes and incomes so near to your heart that you would instead throw temper tantrums aimed at ages-dead whites as opposed to taking part in direct action with your fellow black human? Ridiculous, says I!

*I do not mean to infer that they were indeed these things, but more that they could have so become if they had wished, or that it is poßible that they could have personally been that.

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