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Pothead Degeneracy and the Dumb-Dumb Left's Crusade against Culture (the 21st Century Cultureclash)

'Maybe people can chill now' said the clueleß Liberal when she heard the news that yet Another potshop would open around town. I have come to learn that one great difference between the Liberal and the Communist is that the Liberal uses emotion when and only when profit values are to gain, and by extension social values are to dißolve. Communists, on the other hammer, employ the mighty feeling of emotion as it pertains to culture. The Liberal becomes teary-eyed when she hears of more pot and degeneracy soon being available. The Communist cries when he views Unter den Linden, Sanssouci, the Palast der Republik, the House of Soviets in Kursk, Comrade Stalin's Palace of Culture, the only good building in all of Warsaw. When March-music and Uniformology is accompanied in tandem with these fine sights, it is the Communist who fully appreciates our European legacy, whilst the Liberal pothead cringes at the very Majestic Majesty. This is the actual source of Liberals' hatred for such great men as Empereur Napoléon, Kaiser Wilhelm II, von Moltke, von Bismarck, and Comrade Stalin.

(not to mention their most hated enemy of to-day; myself.)

Liberalism in these times, for the common people can but prescribe a ruinous decoy of escapism from Liberalism's very own nature. A funny little quip by a monarchist I stumbled upon stated 'I miß the Kaiser Wilhelm [II] times, when leaders dreßed like leaders and not like the puppets of bankers [posted in response to the picture above]'. This is why the Liberal is frightened of the collar-tab, the shoulder-board , and terrified of the epaulette. The spinning of the gold bullion and the tailoring of the wool is nothing but a waste of profit to their capital-forsaken eyes, a reminder that European culture is still alive and struggling against the cancer of capitalism, potheadery, and redneckery.

The so-called 'leftists' proclaiming these unfortunate anti-culture activities to be victories are what I call the Dummy Bloc, or the Dumb-Dumb Left as a comrade has so wonderfully described their idiocy. Most of the Dumb-Dumb left wants to see the ultimate destruction of nobility in culture, hoping to replace Europeanism with pothead Liberalism at any cost. If I had just one regiment of grenadiers, I would destroy the cherished Liberalism of this insidious Dummy Bloc within a second of a second. They would wish I were the Freikorps, who I shall make look like social-democrats (oh wait...) This cultureclash, however, cannot merely be won through force of arms; the intricate forces of societal values must also be re-calibrated to the true European pre-capitalist way.

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Mar 29, 2021

Dropping these two epic march compilations here in case anyone is hungering for the sound of culture:

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