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Presidential Debate Trump versus Biden 27 June 2024, Atlanta Georgia. Debate Annotations

Updated: Jul 4

Donald J Trump v. Joseph R Biden

Annotations following the entire debate.

B is for Biden's responses, T is for Trump's responses, % is for next topic or point of order



B. Trump's Economic collapse and COVID bleach arm injection.

B. Goes on to working-class, rent maximum measure and house building.

T. Greatest economy, handled COVID in such a way to prevent the onset of a depression on the scale of the Great Depression, no wars started under his administration.

B. Trump largest tax cuts since Herbert Hoover; ignored Afghani killers.

T. 15% tariffs on imports, especially China, who takes advantage. Left Afghanistan with strength and dignity. Biden only had inherited blow-back jobs, and inherited no (deficit? inflation?).

T. More folk died in Biden administration, tax cuts helped economy. US not respected, basically a third-world nation.

B. uh mm...we finally beat medicare (??? How did Biden make such a silly mistake? Even 'finally got medicare' would be closer to his mark, if not itself perfectly accurate to the intended meaning, either. 'Ladies and gentlemen, we finally beat medicare!')

T. Biden is right: did beat medicare- beat it to death. Foreigners getting all goods and assistance from us without any return.



T. All wanted abortion via states (provinces), including all legal scholars (ought to never say all, but most or many). State (province) control is rule by the folk. Governor of Virginia was setting aside babies to potentially kill after birth (stupid thing to say, too exaggerated).

B. Doctor must decide abortion circumstances (? Not pro-choice, but pro-doctoral priesthood of science? Just a queer way to phrase what should have been so simple to say)

T. Biden abortion states (provinces), Founders should have it brought back to state (province) decision.

B. Founders should not have wanted provincial discretion regarding abortion policy, but doctors'.

%At some point in this abortion segment, Biden said the following, but I did not originally write it down, Jon Stewart calling my attention to it after the debate:

B. 'Look, there are so many young women who have been, including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral. And the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, to talk about that. But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women are being raped by their in-laws, by their, by their spouses. Brothers and sisters, by; it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to arrest them and they cross state lines'.

T. In Roe v. Wade, late-term abortions allowed. Democrats the radicals, not the Republicans.

B. Roe v. Wade stood for 51 years, and legal scholars agreed with it then.

%Border (/Veterans)


B. Stopped the separations of babies from families and children in cages. 40% reduction in illegals crossing the border.

T. Biden opened the border, all he had to do was not touch it. Mentals, terrorists, murderers crossing the border. Everyone dying, including those in the caravans.

B. Will not say that there are no terrorists crossing the border, but only three soldier deaths on it.

T. Every state (province) is now itself an internal border, Biden-migrant murder/crime on the loose. illegals living in luxury hotels. Biden hates veterans.

B. Trump just told all lies. Veteran health doing well. Went to D-Day. Trump call them suckers and losers.

T. Suckers and losers quote fake, why would he say that, surrounded by them: not Russia-disinformation, but Hunter-disinformation.

B. Loves equipping veterans for war (did he make a gaffe, or did I miss/mishear a word? This is an odd statement as-is).

T. Military hates Biden, consider Biden the worst Commander-in-Chief. Putin would never invade under him, does not respect US and Biden. This is Putin's dream (? Did I miss part of this, did he say/mean Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk, or restoring broader Russian territorial integrity, or sphere of influence?)

B. All malarkey, soldiers having headaches because of Trump.

B. Putin wants USSR, Kiev so gross and mighty.

T. 60 billion dollars to foreigners, will solve and settle this as President-elect.

B. Evil USSR, USSR will restore Warsaw Pact. NATO must dominate in all world affairs.

%Israel and Palestine


B. Wants ceasefire, only Hamas wants war. Providing all IDF requests except 2.000-pound bombs (oh, well, what a good guy /s). All imperialists/their institutions endorse Biden's plan. Three Stages: hostages freed-ceasefire; continued/extensive ceasefire; then end war. Organised world against Iran. Saved Israel (our chosen people saviours from evil Hamas devils.)

T. Got NATO to pay their dues. Biden pretends to be a Palestinian, but Biden is a bad Palestinian, so they do not want him (odd statement, Palestine supporter should have made more sense in this context, and still to his point). Admits Israel does want this war just as much (if not more! Trump, the anarchic burgherpopulist, exposed Biden's bourgeois lie again. One of the few things that he is good for.)

T. Have to see on independent Palestinian state. Stopped trading freeloaders.

B. War- and fear-mongering, war in Europe, (not a war of classes! One big industrial mushroom cloud, comrades!). Loves NATO.



T. 6 January we were energy independent, and universally respected. Great, secure border. Lowest taxes for all. Biden comes in, and we become a laughing stock, seen as bunch of really stupid people (erm, that was not Biden's doing, it has been that way for a very long time, say since about twelve score and eight years ago, if mind serves well).

Biden weaponises (institutions?) against his opponents, cannot beat them fair and square.

T. Pelosi and DC mayor turned down his offer of 10.000 soldiers or national guards. He was asked to make a speech, and knew it would be a big protest.

B. Trump says that 6 Januarists are great patriots. 'These people should be in jail'.

T. Biden killed and ruined many lives. Portland, Minneapolis, and Seattle nearly destroyed, burnt and in ruins.

B. 6 Januarists topple statues, turned over desks, should be in jail.

T. His retribution is success. Hunter a convicted felon. Biden probably a felon. Biden and US Government manipulationg and funds-threatening the Ukraine government. He did nothing wrong, we prospered.

B. Trump has morals of an alley cat and only president to say retribution.

B. Anyone who votes for Trump: 'the more they know' then they are against Democracyᵀᴹ (dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and a republic besides).

Torches are Nazi (so the Bundeswehr and the Bundesheer are Nazis too? Biden better steer clear of the Wachbataillon during his next state visit. Let me guess, loyalists are Nazis too for having bonfires, right Biden? I should make an extra large fire come this Twelfth, just to spite him, if our fire pit were still standing, alas. WATP, GSTK).

T. Charlottesville a Fed-Op (a silly thing to say in the way and with the scope that he said it; but due to COINTELPRO, we cannot rule out that at least some assistance may have been given by the state to organise the Charlottesville rally. Not that Trump meant this.).

B. Only Trump a convicted felon.

T. Biden's last chance to run, not equipped to be president, you and I know this, that is why trying to justify his presidency.

B. Ran because idea that Trump could be elected. Why Trump's running mates not endorsing him.

%Consistent Challenges


B. Made lots of progress on Negroes. Negroes making much more money. Increasing economic growth. More to be done: inflation and cannot get first home. 10 year relief student loans (what about my „White" (New English/Colonial) boy over here- Citizen K)

T. Biden taking Negro jobs (did he say giving them to immigrants, or China?)

B. 50 times Trump tried to repeal ACA. He put more police on streets than any administration. $8.000 per family. Something about equity.

T. Police not close to Biden, most support him. Biden hates Negroes, devastated their communities, called them super-predators. He funded Negro universities, and created opportunity zones. Biden has lost Negro populace's trust and support.

%Environment and Climate


T. Cleanest water and air ever under his administration, and want it even cleaner.

B. Where has Trump been? Has done more green policy than any administration. Also helped Negro universities. Trump pulled out from Paris climate accords. Negro and European/Colonial students equally capable, but lack wealth/tools. Climate change is the only existential crisis facing mankind (what of the Third World War mate? Biden seems to love mushrooms and clouds, make of this what you will).

T. Paris climate accords treated US horribly, cost China, Russia, and India naught, and US all. Biden destroying social security, medicare, and medicaid. Biden did not lower insulin, he did. He has the biggest heart on this stage.

B. Trump did naught on the climate, does not see Trump's big heart.

B. Wants to see rich pay their fair share, 1% millionaire tax to keep social security solvent. US best healthcare coverage ever. $50.000 to tuition.

T. Never seen any politician lie as much as Biden. Foreigners and immigrants displacing US Folk (Fenians, Normans, Ukrops, Warshites, Balkanites, JudraHellites, Mexicans, Chinamen, et cetera ad nauseam.)

T. Biden never sacks anyone, kept bad generals in Afghanistan that caused the horror shewing. Destroying US, and soon will not have a Land left.

B. US military grossest in world, US greatest Land. Single parents should be helped back to work.

T. Biden raises taxes.

B. Trump will tax burghers/middling-class Tariffs bad, burghers will have to pay. Progress on China, lowest trade deficit with them.

T. Biden largest trade deficit, especially with China. Biden paid by China- a Manchurian candidate. Biden selling our Land out to PRC .

T. Nearly solved fentanyl crisis before COVID, but now is flowing over border.

B. Made new border machines to detect fentanyl/drugs. Preventing tech to assemble fentanyl from ingredients.

T. Putin paying Biden's reporters (?).



B. Was criticised for being the second youngest Member of Congress, now for being the aldest. Manufacturing supported, got Samsung to join in with microchips (, son!).

B. Never heard anyone say Land in decline, US envied, all lands fear us, great allies, gross empire.

T. Aced two cognitive tests. Biden never did tests. Wishes to see Biden take them.

B. Golf handicap reduced to six, Trump says lie.

T. Violence condemned. Wants free and fair election. Failing, seriously failing Land, need to make America great again. Kim, Xi, Putin do not respect or fear Biden, nothing going for Biden. Biden military policies are insane and will drive us into Third World War. War never ends with Biden.

B. USSR will take over Europe, all leaders trade place with US. Warsaw Pact will take over illegitimate government of Warsaw, and Hungary. Article Five (except for loyal Anglos, who are on their own). American Folk great, need to protect world (but not themselves, of course).

T. Putin knew not to mess with him, took gains from Bush and Obama. The Ukraine not winning, their folk fodder for NATO imperialist meat grinder (Primary Trump, is that you in there?).

T. Accept election if free, fair, and legal. Some questionable discrepancies last election.

B. Trump evil and snapped.

B. Tax system unfair, bad pandemic, bad tariffs, big-pharmaceuticals insulin cut, also helped deficit, and child care.

T. Biden a whiner: 'wish we could do this or that'. Iran loves Biden. Philistinian rights, much worse than Charlottesville. Soldiers can get help. Failing nation, but not for long when he wins- will Make America Great Again.

John King CNN: Democrat strategists even in the very first minutes thought Biden was dismal, and lost debate. Democrats deciding whether to even promote watching of the debate, it was so terrible for Biden. I called it!

Jon Stewart Daily Show: Agreed with most of my criticisms. Agreed Biden's faces made him look senile/disoriented, 'resting 25th Amendment face' per Stewart's own words. 'Many could confuse saving medicare with beating it' ha! I well reckoned that Stewart could not resist mocking the 'we finally beat medicare' gaffe! Sure, Reagan might have got Gorbachev, Bush Saddam, and Obama bin Laden, but Biden got medicare!

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