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Public Education as Farce (Unfinished Work)

Preface: I began writing this in an insomnian stupour (which is unfortunately when I do some excellent writing). Being that I wrote it in such an altered state of mind from when I am fully awake, I feel unable to complete the sleepleß me's intended purpose. So I here release to you a draft of what was to come, what I managed to accomplish before the insomnia wore off. There will be one more draft work also written then, coming to-morrow.

The loosely deemed 'left in the United States has played right into the bourgeoisie's hands regarding the subject of public education. As soon as 'public education' or as we ought to say truthfully, childhood propaganda, became concerned with subjects other than the objective sciences (still bourgeois in focus and features, but at least objective) and primitive linguistics, the plan of public education became tainted.

I have always been of the opinion that what is called high school should be about the higher disciplines of the mind, the subjective sciences and studies. It feels only ethical to introduce those of a somewhat more advanced age to the opinions of history, philosophy, political, and so on curriculum. That public education begins exposing four year olds to these subjective studies is morally contemptible. The school as an institution has interests separate from that of the folc.

That the 'left' has no full idea about what or how education is supposed to be is a maßive failure in ideology. Private left-wing schools would be a thousand times better than the public propaganda system of the bourgeois state. The 'left' in the United States, so infiltrated with petit-bourgeois liberals and FBI influencers has ceased to be able to create completely new ideas as revolutions should. Education must be discußed at length in any leftist party or organisation if the proletariat is to disconnect from the many cords of capitalism, especially the indoctrination of children through the education system. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat must foremostly rebuild education from a perspective of common sense, not ideological self-promotion.

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