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Republican Debate Fox 23 August 2023 Milwaukee Wisconsin

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Edit: I am taking many of the single-letter/word post-scriptum edits out of brackets, and inserting them into the main text of the affected notes, to allow for easier reading.

Again, apologies for the uploading of my raw notes, but the debate was rather interesting, and hopefully my notes can be of use to someone out there.

Participants: Doug Burgum, Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley,

Asa Hutchinson, Mike Pence, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott.

Ron Desantis opens with Hunter Biden money corruption, energy opening.

Christie: Spending and debt, credit rating, cutting unemployment, being bi-partisan.

Scott: Cut spending, cut spigot of taxes to DC. Biden inflation bad.

Ramaswamy: We need to run toward something

Haley: Open attack on various Republican Party officials.

Pence: Reminiscing on Administration. Focusing on military. President can do everything.

Ramaswamy: Drill, frack, burn coal, nuclear. Only economic war on Federal State, unlock energy. strengthen dollar, stabilise economy, put folk back to work (bold of him to challenge the classical-liberal lie of the unemployment rate).

Pence: 'Don't need to bring in rookie' [implies Ramaswamy], mass booing.

Ramaswamy: Stop slogans of super-puppets. Don't coddle deep state... [agents? agencies?] stooges. 'Do you want revolution, I am (for?) the American revolution.

Burgum: Sactions on Russian Federation only helps People's Republic of China. PRC real threat.

Diaz question climate change

DeSantis: Rant about... [unfinished].

Ramaswamy: Only candidate not bought and paid for.

Christie: Called Ramaswamy 'ChatGPT', odd-named nobody like the disaster Obama, and said is [?]

Haley: Thatcher quote, on climate attack PRC and India, attack electric cars.

Scott: Stop being childish, for climate bring jobs back from PRC (impossible under liberal capitalism).

Abortion Rights.

Haley: Pro-breeder not because Party and trouble breeding, but husband adopted [all her examples, not mine]. Ban late abortions, pro-contraception. No imprison abortionees.

DeSantis: Anecdote about daughter heart-beat, hold Democrats accountable for 'their extremism'.

Pence: Jesus found, 'before born you I know you' Bible quote. Minimum that when baby feel pain; no more abortion (what of penile mutilation if children can indeed feel pain and such is a problem which should worry us. Death is instant).

Burgum: Need freedom and liberty, return to states (provinces of US) to follow Constitution.

Hutchinson: Biden abortion on demand, protect life and fine with Federal State solution.

Scott: Fight for life, Declaration of Independence creator unalienable right of life.

Homelessness and Crime

Pence: Democrats de-fund police, fanciful agenda, bail reform soft, need strong police and leadership, close education for states (provinces).

Christie: Problem not money, need to use space of prisons, stronger prosecution. Hunter mockery of justice gun licence.

Ramaswamy: Mental health and identity (purpose and meaning) crisis addressed to solve problems.

Pence: Everything is fine, simply need better statesmen.

Ramaswamy: Pence 'morning in America speech' outmoded, not morning in America, Cultural cold war.

DeSantis: Soros radical-,,Left'' [he said it seriously, but it is such a joke] criminality.

Hutchinson: Fentanyl, need drug counseling, need respect for justice system and rule of law, Biden assaulting it.

Ramaswamy good propaganda and rhetorical manner, sharp, bold, charismatic, not giving usual status-quo 'Morning in America' responses.

Trump Prompt

Hutchinson only one not to raise hand to support Trump.

Christie: Use sleight of hand to go on anti-Trump rant. Booing in US is great does not change truth. Big boos.

Ramaswamy: Challenges Chrisie on his anti-Trumpism. Says best US President of the Twenty-First Century.

Scott: Pence did right thing Sixth of January. Fire Garland. Department of Justice too partisan.

DeSantis: Election not about Sixth of January 2021, About to-day and the future.

Pence: Important defend Constitution, kept my [his] oath.

DeSantis: Are we really going to get stuck focusing [completely on Trump], this re-hashing? Democrats would love this.

Hutchinson: Trump bad and disqualified, Conservative [classical-liberal, not actual conservative] legal scholars and Republican National Convention rules agrees. Moderate boos.

Christie: Need to suspend Trump, not Constitution.

Haley: No one wants Biden-Trump rematch, but says [he] trusts US Folk's sentiment [judgement].

DeSantis: PRC and Biden loves when we talk about past [I presume implying focusing on Trump?]

Ramaswamy: Asks Pence if he agrees not to pardon Trump.

Pence: About 2017 when Pence love and swear [allegiance] to Reagan and Bible. Trump asked me [Pence] put him over Constitution, I chose Constitution.

The Ukraine and funding it.

Ramaswamy: Would not support increase in funding. Our support continent on them helping themselves. Disaster not spending it on invasion of Southern Border [the actual invasion, sanctioned by global liberal capitalism]. Biden/Democrats love their Pope Elensky.

Christie: Went to the Ukraine, evil 'Putin's Army', Russian eye-gouging rapist brain-washer murderer [a hateful phobeistite of every colour, who needs to be #diversified and #liberated; horse-shoe liberalism on full display] Then attacks Trump, which is met with boos.

Pence: We committed to help them fight communists, Putin implied communist.

Ramaswamy: USSR no longer exists, Pence mentions communists like it is 1970. No more Iraqs, Vietnams, and all such no-win wars.

Haley: 'Pro-American land invaded by thug', 'win for RF is also for PRC' says that Putin has said that Poland and Baltics next. We need to love Israel [our chosen saviours, of course /s] Prigozhin and United Nations Russian Federation delegate killed by Putin. (imperialist... [unfinished].

Ramaswamy: It is friendship means helping each other to help our selves. Enjoy your future lucrative employment in (corporate America).

Haley: We need Israel [no, we do not]

DeSantis: We need to defend our fatherland first, no troops to the Ukraine, need army at Southern Border for strong defence.

People's Republic of China Prompt

Burgum: Win for RF is for PRC, destroying our energy, harpoons for Taiwan. Biden put 80.000 persons for Internal Revenue Service.

Scott: Fire Internal Revenue Service men, hire border security, biggest national security is Southern Border. Need wall and mil-tech [advanced military technology/resources there].

Cartels in US, Border Lethal Force Prompt

Hutchinson: Anecdote about Tijuana Cartel, military has to be limited in its use.

US Special Forces for Fentanyl Labs in Mexico Prompt

DeSantis: Would absolutely use lethal force and send Special Forces. Would consider cartels as terrorists.

Pence: Biden threw open border. I did help to build wall. We got Mexico to guard the border, and will partner with their army.

Christie: Must not reward PRC giving fentanyl in an act of war. Would not... [unfinished].

Education Prompt

DeSantis: Decline of education reason for decline of nation. Need education, not indoctrination. Need to teach solid academic and civic focus, got rid of Critical Race Theory and Gender Study. Cannot graduate those who know not the Constitution, 'what it means to be an American'.

Ramaswamy: Abolish Department of Education, end teacher unions, let parents choose, schools. Nuclear family essential for education, end state bribing single mothers to kick fathers out [did not Gramsci mention this in relation to regressive American feminism allowing women to live luxuriously from divorce?].

Burgum: Stop men in women's sport, not all state education systems are equally good. No block grants, but based on merit.

Haley; Woke craziness. Need more reading, vocational classes in all high schools [is not her 'civics and reading classes' advocation contrary to her 'vocational classes in every school' one? Unless Haley has an exceedingly narrow definition of reading and civics which excludes all classical subjects/works, in which case she should really re-phrase her policy as 'patriotic/constitutional classes']

Lightning Round Prompt (Biden Age)

Pence: No mandatory (age limit?), trusts US Folk's judgement. Need not too old or young, need strong leader and multi-ethnic working-class majority for a Reagan 1980 revolution.

Pence: Ramaswamy never even voted.

Hutchinson: Compete against PRC with computer-science.

Scot: Fatherland founded on 'Judeo-Christian' values (this is a Demagogue of Satan if ever one were, and Haley is, too, a fervent acolyte of Satan-MOSSAD. It is firm; The Desert must be Condemned/Destroyed)

Burgum: Focus on mission (martial masturbation)

Christie: (UFO question asked) state must be transparent. Teachers unions all time low, they are grossest threat, not UFOs.

Proud American Closing Statement Prompt

Burgum: Biden's inflation and energy horrible. Anecdote on family. Border and innovation, not regulation.

Hutchinson: Need leadership, not Trump or Biden (minor booing). Will strengthen individualism, character, faith.

Scott: Man sport against man, pay back loan, crime do time, et cetera.

Christie: Only one to beat Democratic incumbent, [Christie] scares them.

Haley: Martial masturbation via husband anecdote. Will strengthen national security.

Pence: Biden has destroyed United States. Can save it but other times [require?] other strategies. 'God not done with America yet' (stupid).

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