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Responding to Comrade B on What ought to be Done and a Defence from his Criticisms of Jimmy Dore

I. Responding to Comrade B on What is and What ought to be Done

Comrade B has made concern of the activities of the left, or more correctly stated to accurately display his specific reason for concern, the lack of activities and projects on/from the left. Ic am in critical agreement with Comrade B on this matter, yet slightly critical so for that my own reason dictates the reality of the situation, in a way which Ic feel Comrade B does not fully appreciate.

Ic have called out the stagnation of the Democratic Party for a long time. Comrade B, however, believes the Democrats to be the only entity preventing an immediate or at any rate speedy fascist seizure of state power. Ic further believe that it shall be the Democrats who must by the political logic of historical fascism appoint fascism into power. This is but one game-breaking bug between leftists, and it would be much worse if Comrade B and Ic were not personal friends as we are.

Disregarding this, Ic too am disappointed with the lacklustre efforts of the left to mobilise and construct the projects which would strengthen and expand the claß-conscious community. One personal problem of mine to demonstrate this is that Ic am sitting on a large pile of Soviet works and leftist journals not yet in any format of the internet. Ic do not have the fortitude nor the time to proceß thousands of words a day into a Word document, but the chance of receiving any truly outside help is laughable, and that is being proclaimed by someone who is usually himself more of the dreamer.

Even marching a step further, Ic have proposed countleß times the erection of explicitly leftist soup kitchens, homeleß/poor houses, and the vital step for internal security of a leftist alternative to subsume the bourgeois state post office. This are so broken that so little as setting up a citizens' political information and discourse club à la the Club des Jacobins is rejected as fruitleß, and impoßible anyway a priori.

Comrade B is of course most correct in his analysis of the sad state of the left; it is his criticism which makes little sense when taken in the context of present conditions . The again, who could poßibly formulate the multitudinous strings that have brought us here. Ic am certainly not able to amply answer these questions.

II. A Short Defence of Jimmy Dore

In many reading club discußions thus far, Comrade B has spoken ill gainst Master Dore in the unfairest of manners. Ic come before ye to-day to say a word in print on this continuous aßault.

Ic have sometimes engaged in the polemical denouncement of one or another personality in politic, for instance, when the subject has arisen, Ic have never been shy to decry such opportunist petit-burghers as Vaush the vandal, or COINTELpoints. But, this being said, Ic usually only bring them up when someone else does, or when they say or do something at the moment that Ic deem worthy to speak upon. Otherwise, my polemic is basically reserved for characters in groß-politic, id est political leaders like Biden, Pelosi, or Clinton, to name three.

Of the criticisms which Comrade B has levelled towards Master Dore, Ic shall comment on three of them.

I. The first objection raised by Comrade B is that Master Dore owns too much personal property and poßeßes too much private wealth to truly be a leftist. Let us recall however, that of the greatest comrades, Comrade Engels did not just own personal property, but as a factory capitalist owned private property, and Lenin would have poßibly become a well-off 'Swiß' intellectual had times not been revolutionary and had Rußia's conditions either been fascist or that of to-day's imperial core. And then, should we turn to the modern time, we can mention such comrades as Laße Diding and Billy Brag. Are we to say that even though they may be proletaristically conscious, they do not cwalify as communists or leftists bedoes of an individually-set wealth and property maximum? Ic refuse to play this rubbish game, ic have no interest in playing gate-master, barring or conferring the title of Comrade based on my whim alone. We must not hold making well for ourselves under capitalism against comrades. To Comrade B, Ic ask for yeh clarification: would prestige based upon one's dreß or one's cultural endeavour eventually also be included as grounds for adding names to the index of un-comradely privilegers? If that one day be the case, then Ic am all the more against this policy becoming practise.

II. The next objection, related to the first, is that Jimmy Dore is somehow not doing enough for, or even leß for the left than the likes of AOC et cetera. Ic find this notion cwite preposterous, as Ic do its anti-Caleb Maupin counter-part, for whilst these two actual comrades are providing hours of content (and it follows that for a single second of content comes with it a minute of editing) which has palpably radicalised many comrades into our ranks, Madam Pelositez has been far too busy appeasing Biden so she may be appointed the first (ultra-vulgar) Latin speaker in that House, to consider the proletariat, or really anyone except for the highest of middle-claßes outside of her ivory Capitol. To even disregard this hyperbole: how can one poßibly judge justly another's effort employed in politic, how does one begin the proceß of comparison and contrastion that must neceßarily be undertaken to attain a fair endthoght? Once again, Ic would not accept the post tasked with this.

III. In perfect construction, we here reach the most important criticism, which also happens to be related to both above points: the inter-leftist demand for censorship. The Liberal-influenced/preceded left, that is to say, the majority of the left to-day, seems to desire powerful measures of censorship within and over the left. This desired policy most insistently persists for Comrade B in the realm of leftists criticising others, ostensibly also leftists. Ic cannot agree. Ic think criticism inevitable, and any proposed censorship much more harmful. The truly free market of discourse, including critieck, is the best present place to develop and sharpen theory and practise. To abolish or hinder it at this stage, Ic think, would prove to be soon a devastating misfire. One thing Ic cenna for fact is that mentally cancelling all of the good Jimmy has done over his distaste for another is stupidly arrogant, and helps no one. It is the very thing that ye, Comrade B, have argued gainst doing.

At this time, Ic think a more flexible left to be the wisest course of action in our method of organisation. Allow us not to fight each other over tatters of conduct or policy, but to weave a new, united front of leftism from every corner of the globe and the left-wing spectrum. Forgive each other, work the forge together, and we'll strike while the iron is hot!

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