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Response to Dankey Kang's anti-PCUSA Infantile Video [Party of Communists USA]

Updated: Oct 17, 2022


-Christopher Helali was investigated for the IWW and rape allegations, clearing him of any suspicion. Are we to now believe any prostitute in the #MePoo age over Party members who have been thoroughly vetted? An antidote, if I may. A kid in my claß, third grade mind you, was accused of rape by a girl he had hardly known, far before #MePoo, and he got into maßive trouble for it. He did not appear for the last two weeks of school, including the big end-of-year field trip. I later found out from him that he was playing tag with his friends, but the girl stepped out and into his way just as he was about to tag his friend Benny (his only two 'friends' turned against him after this catastrophe, weaving rumour-tales that he was a rapist for their own amusement). And just as Dankey Kang and that 'Communist' Intelligence Agent Socialism for All are trying to orchestrate against Helali, the kid was shamed into accepting the false rape allegations by the (female) Vice Principal. Perhaps next Dankey Stain would like to shame Christopher into committing suicide; what a good person Dankey is!

-Media independent of the Party (videlicet podcasts) must by its very nature produce anti-Party sentiments. Individual media is indeed a means of production of thought, and for this, in due time, shall degenerate into petit-bourgeois liberalism. Media related to the Party ought to be controlled, or at least overseen by the Party. Furthermore, platforming enemies of the Party is the first step towards at first the dilution of Party discipline and poßibility of revisionism, but eventually to outright wreckerism.

-To have individual anti-Party terrorists (or 'disgruntled Party members' as Dankey Kang calls them) leaking any level of Party documents or discourse, even Party goßip is a harmful breach for the clandestine readineß of the Party should it be forced underground into illegality. How can the Party succeßfully plan an ambush when its political fiends have our encampment sprawling with potential spies who may easily enough pluck sensitive Party information, and to such, what information is not sensitive in a sense? The Party Discord was a disastrous liability which never should have existed to begin with.

-Dankey Kang 'we believe the accusers', which is code in the language of virtue signalling for the right to lie about being raped, and then pointing it as a weapon at those we do not like, for instance the Party proletarian male Christopher Helali.

-Dankey Kang's letter-sending has all the hallmarks of a factious Left Opposition position. He shrouds his plot against the Party in a tone of 'comradely concern' and 'optimistic reconciliation'. He accuses the Party leadership of disabiding democratic centralism, just as his comrades falsely accuse Comrade Christopher Helali, and just as his (personal, private) hero Leon Trotsky accused Comrade J V Stalin and the Politburo. For just as Trotsky, whatever he is guilty of he redirects against Party leadership (breaking democratic centralism, engaging in factionalism).

-'Special little Snowflakes': this coming from a whiny closet-Trotskyite whose individualist aspirations and liberal interpretations import him to attack Party leadership and individual (and might I say exceptional) Party members, all because he thinks in his selfish little mind that Party discipline and oversight applies not to his endeavours, like his stupid podcast... and he calls himself a Communist? His arrogance is profoundly distasteful: apparently 'Comrade' Dankey understands more about 'REAL socialism' than the leader(s), I am sure his organisational experience is MUCH larger than the comrade who has spent literal decades of his life in the old CPUSA, doing party work. In what reality???

-'Glorified book club': rich coming from, again, an imbecile who thinks social media and YouTube are the true modes of revolutions (he will deny this of course), who does nothing but cry about how big. mean leader(s) bullied him. Frankly, I would not be surprised a bit if one day he comes out and says that Comrade Helali sexually violated him, too. Dankey Kang is a miserable excuse for a leftist. Oh, for the record, this anticipation of mine is based in evidence; people in the video's comment section are already insinuating that leader(s) is himself a rapist, and as the adage goes, the lie personalised is memorised.

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