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Robert F Kennedy Junior Fox News Town-hall

I normally try not to put raw, undeveloped content onto this net-log; I am not that debased, to be sure. However, the elections are of some import, and citizens I have spoken to have suggested that they will not be able to watch the town-halls and debates. It is so, my contribution, to post my brief notes for all of these events, as far as I am able to watch them. Forgive any weakneß or falsehood in the notes, for they are, again, raw input written at high speed. I have a debate and two interviews left to post. I do not know exactly when I will post them, maybe I will spread them out, to keep the content flowing, or perhaps I will favour relevance, posting them very soon.

Kennedy says that John F never sent a single soldier, only advisors to Vietnam (veracity?)

Says that many parts of the United States were conditions like those in Latin America.

Everyone in the crowd keeps applauding, they seem to approve of his general concepts, let us see when he moves into active policy design. May need re-watch to really focus on the amount of applause, response.

'Being poor makes you depreßed'. 'Nobody wants to live on government dole'. 'We don't have free market capitalism, what we have is crony corporate capitalism, cushy socialism for the rich, savage capitalism for the rest, a system designed to strip-mine the middle-claß. From each according to his stock-value; to each according to his pocket-book.

The lock-down killed uninfected persons, a good point.

Therapeutic drugs and alternative treatments were censored for COVID (veracity?)

'He's [Biden's] never been very good with words'. But 'I've tried in this campaign to avoid personal attacks'.

Rußia has offered a peace treaty. Explained the Minsk I and II Accords. Goes into how NATO has been ever-expanding. The Ukraine is the Rußian Federation's Mexico (closer than Cuba!).

Hannity brings up COVID race. RFKJ explains that it was an NHS predispositions study on various ethnicities.

CIA aßaßination of JFK, the CIA withholding five-thousand documents on the JFK aßaßination.

Will sign executive order of first day to disallow weaponisation of government agencies for political purposes. His social medias censored by Biden/The Biden Clique.

End. Excellent town-hall, wondersweet responses and answers. Time will tell. Potentially too tied to mythological loyalty to the Democratic Party, may end just like Sanders. West is organising outside of the Leviathan, so his efforts will probably yield more results in the longer analysis, but Kennedy could still have an important part to play within the Leviathan, in saving this crumbling Age of Reason. Oh, and if RFKJ 'goes permanently on vacation', or 'accidentally slips on an ice-cube' I hope it will be obvious what actually happened to him, and which powerful entity did it. Be it Kennedy or West, anything is better than Biden and the bumbling Republicans, but I will not yet render judgement on Ramaswamy: he is likely putting on his populist persona, but even a fool's and a liar's words may strengthen the truth, in the end.

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