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Russia, the Ukraine, NATO, or People's Republics Donetsk and Lugansk?

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

With all of the imperialist chaos impending to send us our ultimate doom, it surprises me großly that society think it most proper to argue on the level of imperial power. When it be not the groß powers under examination, then it is the Ukraine (Nazi Ukrany), and rarely the so-called (whenever mentioned at all) 'Rußian Separatists.

To understand my view of the conflict, is not a difficult task. To me, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics are the only variable of matter, and it is they who ought by right to be sovereign states. Sandwiched between two empires, it is my hope that Donetsk and Lugansk can leverage their unique position on the front-line to build a socialist republic, with minimal interference on the part of the imperialist powers.

It may take Donetsk and Lugansk a long time to come before they begin construct actual people's republics with socialist economics, yet unlike the Ukraine (Nazi Ukrany), teeming with fascists and ingrained within the NATO ideological prison-house, they have this opportunity present to them. The Ukraine has become little more than a pseudo-/semi-fascist Coca-Cola and McDonald's Colony. I support the line of the International Communist League (Spartacists): 'Ukrainian, Rußian workers: turn the guns against your rulers!' -Spartacist Supplement 27 February 2022. I would only add; 'and American workers, defend your Second Amendment rights!' If the arms of the state are the only armed force, then fascist tyranny has already won, it is but a matter of time until it openly reveals its intentions to absorb power.

Another concern which has surfaced with the presidency of the anti-border Anglophobe supremacist warmonger WoodJoe BiSon, is the poßible importation of Ukrop fascists to terrorise the domestic American proletariat and großer citizenry, to serve as a yellow and blue shirted paramilitary shock force, ensuring that neither strikes, convoys, 'coups', or revolution can ever occur again. The Democrats march, their spirit in The Flag High! Biden and the Democrats, it has been my suspicion since the Primaries of 2016, are no longer interested in the upkeep of a republican facade for capital. It is my fearful belief that they are labouring to construct an eßentially one party fascist state, with the Republican Party as a 'residual opposition'. Social-Liberal Democracy, more so than social-democracy, is objectively the left-wing of pink fascism.

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