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Song of the One True American Communist Party (This is the Party Line)

Updated: Aug 3

Parody of Our Line's Been Changed Again

The ACB's our class's pride, [American Council of Bolsheviks]

This is the Party Line,

Which soon 'Long Live!' has quickly died

This is the Party Line,

We used to be devout PC [Party of Communists USA]

This is the Party Line,

But now decry their strict PC, [Political Correctness/Dogmatism]

This is the Party Line,


So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

Our Line is set in stone!

Comrades! It is a brand new day!

This is the Party Line,

A party new has joined the fray, [all unmentioned leftist parties]

This is the Party Line.

The Vanguard Party could not be,

This is the Party line,

Until the dawn of the ACP [American Communist Party]

This is the Party Line,

So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

Our Line is set in stone!

FRSO is far too old, [Freedom Road Socialist Organisation]

This is the Party line,

It looks like bread, but tastes like mould,

This is the Party Line.

The PSL, it may seem well, [Party for Socialism and Liberation]

This is the Party line,

But Trotskyites all go to Hell

This is the Party Line.

So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

Our Line is set in stone!

What of the party we don't name? [Communist Party USA]

This is the Party line,

We think it very much the same,

This is the Party Line.

This party that perhaps exists,

This is the Party line,

Is the one who first began the splits,

This is the Party Line

So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

So I hear it, comrade,

Our Line is set in stone!

And let it be recalled, that the American Communist Party, if it did split from any former party (which is highly unlikely as it was and is the truest representation of the masses as the Vanguard Party), it split from the Socialist Party USA. There are some 'real life Sims' who will claim that they are the Communist Party within the American midland of renown. But these, my dear comrades, are nothing more than corrupt, Trotskyite, Bukharinite, Zinovievite, Deleonite, Browderite, fascist, DNC-columnist, Israelite collaborators, pretending to the claim of American communism. They are splitters, splitting from the American proletariat's interests and needs, damn them!

Let every party body and institution put upon its walls to grace a chiselled copy of this Party Line which has served as an unchanging beacon amongst the People's Democracies, to demonstrate our loyalty to the American proletariat and our love of the liberation which is communism.

Long Live the American Communist Party, which has always been the sole true communist party in the middle country of North America! Workers of the world, UNITE (under our banner!).

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