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Status of the Netlog: changes to alleviate the lack (Blockage) of Articles

My dear citizens, I have not been around for about a whole month now, in spite of me having many articles saved up. So what is causing the blockage? It is an unspoken rule I have had. to preserve the equality of my attention for both Thoughts of a Comrade and the Philosopher's Interior; I have attempted to always post an article on each site no more than three days apart, lest one of them become seemingly neglected in favour of the other. The problem is that I am predominantly a Marxist-Leninist (quite obviously), and The Philosopher's Interior is meant to be a space for the sharing of multiple voices and views. Being but one person, this has translated to me trying my hardest to publish only articles of a non-political mould in the PhilInt, but as the number of contributors has dwindled to one (myself), this has grown into much more of a conundrum, in fact a near impoßibility.

Many articles are now wasting away at the same time that Thoughts of a Comrade does, waiting in anguish for a type of article which can be posted in the PhilInt. The situation has become streßful for me, too. Perhaps the time of The Philosopher's Interior is truly over, perhaps it really did die all the way back at the end of high school... either way, I am not ready to let go of hope just yet. This leaves me in a daunting positions, one which threatens to kill both of these sites. Therefore, I have made the decision to make Thoughts of a Comrade my primary focus, but not, however, to abandon The Philosopher's Interior. In the stead of abandonment, I would rather put the PhilInt into a low-power state, receiving articles irregularly wherever one of its preferred style happens to descend from my pen.

No easy task is it to juggle two sites whilst also organising other things, other institutions. I shall not give up, but something like this had to have eventually been done. 'Tis better to be on with it sooner so Thoughts of a Comrade might once again progreß normally as it months ago did. Expect leß content from The Philosopher's Interior from now on, but expect more on here, beginning in the coming days.

Here is to a rough ride; that it might leßen the bumps!

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