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The Cackling Capitalist: A Monster's Reflexion is a Monstrous Inflexion. (Advancing the Estate of the Whole People)

My dear comrades, you already know that Biden has stepped down, which is a gross victory for the Folk-classes, to be sure. But is this enough? Nay comrades! What is the third estate of the whole people? The Folk-classes! And what do the Folk-classes want? Nothing less than the emancipation of labour, damn it! Yet we should settle for something less, until our moment finally arises. What is this 'something less', then? Certainly not the Cackling Capitalist. Am I saying (I hear comrades ask) that we are to support someone in this election? Not quite, but not incorrect: I am suggesting that the Folk-classes, not having a candidate of themselves, select any candidate that is simply not the reflexion of the monster. Harris and Trump are monster-reflexions, mere inflexions of the beastly horror for the presentation of palatability. After the election, however, the monster self-image shall emerge from the mirror, and 'Harris' or 'Trump' will no longer exist.

The Folk-classes will never have a candidate until the fourth estate of the whole people has been advanced to (the Comrade-classes). Even to proclaim that we have surpassed the second estate of the whole people, the Vanguard-classes, is bold of me. Of course, the Professional-Intellectual-Managerial Patrons, the PIMPs of the capitalist system, oversee the machinery of state for the burgher-bourgeoisie, but they may not exclusively reflect the monstrous characteristics of the system and its ruling-class, if the particular PIMP so chuses. We must have a care, here, that we are not speaking of lesser-evilism. The characteristics of a PIMP are able to be qualitatively alternative to the quantitative inflexion which informs the likes of an 'Obama', 'Biden', and 'Harris',- PIMPs themselves, prior to their nominations, it should be recalled.

So long as Harris and Trump both lose, the result may be concluded a victory for the Folk-classes, giving much advancement to the development of the third estate of the whole people. Understand this well, comrades: we are unable to alter the machinery of state, all we may do presently is build para-state substitution to the institutions and services of state, and attempt to advance the third estate of the whole people, partially by disrupting the monster's reflexion in the machinery of state. The advancement of the third estate of the whole people does not refer to material gain by the strata which comprise the Folk-classes, but a gain in both cohesion and experience for all of the strata.

Whether one votes for the Party for Socialism and Liberation's candidate, Claudia de la Cruz, for Robert F. Kennedy the Younger, Lenin, Bukharin, Brezhnev, Deng, even Infamous REG*, it remains preferable to voting for one of the reflexions of the monster called capitalism. If Kennedy makes the monster's reflexions lose, that is very well, but I will not tell comrades that casting a vote this way is the correct course. My personal line is merely not to vote- call me an anarchist fool if you must. I do, as all of you can see in this article, engage in agitational propaganda during elections, for educating the masses is an utmost duty of the communist, dare I say, of the Leftist. In my defence, Comrade Althusser, in the introduction of his work, For Marx, relays how the primacy of political activism (for our concern, electioneering) drained all of the time that might have been spent harvesting better resources of philosophy, to then use in a superior production of theory.

The Cackling Capitalist is not laughing with the Folk-classes, but at the contemptible image she has of our estate. Cackling Kamala is, ever has been, a PIMP of capitalism, attempting to seduce us into service of the beast, that wretched monster which we seek to overthrow for the plundering of labour. Do not forget this comrades. Do not forget it especially if you intend to enter the brothel of bourgeois elections.

We are the third estate of the whole people, and what does this third estate want? Nothing less than the emancipation of labour, damn it. Heed us well, you filthy PIMPs of capitalism, we will sabotage your monstrous expropriation, and end your heinous prostitution of labour, with the hammer and sickle of just repatriation. This labour belongs not to you, but to the labourers- the Third Estate of the Whole People!

Third Estate in all Lands, UNITE!

Note on estates of the whole people:

Emerged with the dawn of unified class-consciousness amongst labourers.

First estate of the whole people: Lower-classes; advanced in 1870-1914

Second estate of the whole people: Vanguard-classes; advanced in 1960-1980

Third estate of the whole people: Folk-classes; current estate.

Fourth estate of the whole people: Comrade-classes; TBD

Final estate of the whole people: New Socialist Man; requisite for communism.

The Lower classes were poorly defined, such as the transition strata to capitalism proper, exempli gratia the sans-culottes, and the second estate entails one class or stratum leading the other strata of labourers, such as the proletariat in the USSR.

*Infamous Red Emma Goldman, who certainly needs nay introduction.

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