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The Case of George Floyd and an Aside: what to Call the Other Race

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

Well, it has happened again. Another bourgeois state police soldier has killed a member of the proletariat. The Liberals are crying and screaming, generally just throwing temper-tantrums about race and sex. But us Communists understand exactly what has occurred. The new Free and Democratic Geheime Staatspolizei may have fooled the mainstream political pundits and twenty-four hour journalists, however, this merely makes our kennage all the more important to spread around the populace, the peoples of the entire Earth.

George Floyd did not require a Communist Party or Party of Communists membership card to witneß the brutal fist of the capitalists' police pigs, the institution of repreßion which keeps the wealth flowing into the hands of tycoonists. Nor need he have been of a certain skin colour, though that is the likely origin of the initial motivation for repreßing him. Had he flaunted a Party badge or card in the face of the 'acceptable' two-party dictatorship, there is no doubt that so he would find himself repreßed. Derek Chauvin could be prosecuted, even all of the police present that day could be prosecuted, but at that point it would be mindbleached proletarians being found guilty, and the system would be praised for finding these 'enemies of the state' guilty. The state institutions of the police and the courts are one in the same, and any cog or dial on this monstrous machine is expendable, a silly statistic...

Regarding the terminology which we use in describing the opposite race of whites, I should like to say some things. The term 'African-American' must be disposed of for what it is: a reactionary attempt to divide the proletariat of the American continents. So what are they to be called in the stead? When written or spoken in the formal context, there are Negros and there are Euros, when referred to in an informal fashion there are blacks and there are whites (notice the difference in capitalisation). 'Caucasian' and 'Aryan' both belong on the rubbish mound of buffoonish pseudo-scientific imprecision, for the majority of Europeans do not reside in the Caucasus or Persia. The term 'coloured' is also rather stupid, for the reason that white, red, yellow, and black are all colours, thus the span of the planet is 'coloured'. Saying coloured is saying nothing at all.

To finish, I shall defend the term Negro and denounce the 'N-word with a soft ending'. There seems to be some confusion on the politeneß of the word Negro: this is the word used and upheld by such great heroes of civil rights and liberty as W E B Du Bois and Martin Luther King Jr, and it is the properly polite term in other languages. To incriminate Negro would be to dishonour the sacred memory of those who fought for the just recognition of this title. People died to be addreßed with this name, to be given the respect interred within it, and so what right do these latter-day liberator saints have to re-write the record, in effect nullifying the sacrifices of this struggle? I feel the very same disdain when Liberals and Synthetic 'Leftists' tell us that we must abandon the red flag, or the hammer and sickle, or what have you, for whatever reason, when comrades died to hoist these sacred emblems. What arrogance; what treachery! The soft-ending N-word is the real disgrace here. It matters not that certain Negros are saying it in a kindly manner, without semblance of indecency, as it discredits the entire movement for civil rights, and is spoken by those who have not contributed life or limb to the valiant cause for which many have perished. It is by definition a parody of the actual N-word, and therefore it is by fact a disgrace.

Post Scriptum: The police officers present that day are most certainly guilty and deserve some kind of punishment, most of all Derek Chauvin (who is in all probability a racist and a morally dubious man), but a punishment should not be meted out strictly against them without a total and utter indictment of the vile system which corrupted these proletarians in the very first place, and perpetrated the existence of racism to protect itself and its rulers from the furious condemnation of the maßes.

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