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The Final Russia Articles for a Late Victory Day

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Happy late Victory Day comrades! I know that I did not post any Victory Day article proper, so allow me to apologise with this small compendium.


Over the course of the month, I have collected in my article reserves a few about the Ukraine crisis and the Rußian Federation. That is an important fact, which I wish to point out. These articles were written at different times in response to different stimuli, and carry on a continuing dialogue betwixt one another, a road to what might be called the ultimate conclusion. The Rußian Federation, Donetsk, Lugansk, Belarus, NATO, Azov, and the US make this crisis incredibly complex in the relations of ideology. There is not merely the geopolitical alignment one must consider, but the cultural, economic, and political. And with that, I end.

Putin as Napoleon; the Harbinger of the New Aera

Rußia is one of the few countries left, certainly in Europe, that has rejected post-modernism as a doctrine of (anti-) culture. I do believe that we are in a historic moment of the epoch, where the ultimate contradiction is at last brought into the light of struggle. East defending the glorious values of the West, the West adopting the former uncultured savagery of the East. The ironic Undergrave of The Eveninglands.

Putin, who shall in the future be known at once by his name, much as the name of a Corsican artillery corporal is, has been given or granted the task of croßing the historical croßroads, not merely for Rußia, but for the entire industrialised world. How he chooses to complete his Hallingly-ordained mißion will determine very many things, most of which shall be revealed only after their decisive time has paßed. Putin can here save or forsake Western high culture and tradition with the effects scattered in and shaped by every action taken.

If I were Putin, I would win this stupid skirmish with the NATO puppet-state dogs in Kiev, settle the post-operation geopolitical accounts, and then retire. In retirement, I would set before myself two important tasks to immediately begin exertion on. Both are written testaments to the events of the Ukraine in the eyes of the representative of the new historical aera: a memoir of my reasoning for acting as I did in the inauguration of the new aera within the Ukraine crisis, and an analysis/manifesto for the future of world society at the paßing through of this great juncture.

The problem with Napoleon is that he could not let go of the mighty proceß of change even after had succeßfully pushed Europe into the new aera, and this proceß thus made him self-destruct. It will be very interesting to see whether President Putin is capable of leaving the proceß after its completion, or if self-destruction is itself a law of the proceß of historical development into new epochs.

Whatever happens, NATO will be unable to reverse the proceß of the new aera's dawn (short of the nuclear option). The 'Holy American Empire' that NATO is, will be certain to decay just as its Austro-Roman predeceßor did, be it by Putin's hand or erosion from inertia, this is a guaranteed prerequisite for the arrival of the next aera, also an inevitability. Let us hope that all mankind, no matter the state residing in, make it out to the other side with little harm.

Rußia, Leftist Strategy, and the Signals of Virtuati Liberalism

Rußia is not the nation or form of state that we, the anti-imperialist Left, had hoped would be the one to go up against NATO and the United (Confederate) States Empire. This, however, is where we are at in the present moment. The NATO puppet states and their U(C)S masters have again begun another onslaught of preß-lies and hostility towards China and Belarus, implying at every poßible turn that these two much more economically planned and nationalised countries are just as bad, if not worse than Rußia.

There is no longer in reality such a position as support for the Ukraine, support for the Rußian Federation, or even my previously-held stance of support for the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. There are emergent positions to choose from or more paßively align with: support for the Imperial Core and the U(C)SA, or support for everything which resides outside of it. This war against the Rußian Federation, ever since the illegal, CIA and NATO backed dißolution of the USSR and its subsequent ransacking by Western capital, is not a self-contained conflict. If Rußia loses, Western capital will unleash a reign of terror in both the Imperial Core, the Coalition-Entente if we may, and in the Colonial Rim, who are unlikely to resist (at least succeßfully) after the destruction of the US Empire's second chief rival. If Rußia wins, the opposite will happen, particularly for the Colonial Rim, who will seize the opportunity to revolt in the wake of the Confederate Empire's repeat-1865, and the NATO Axis' repeat-1945. The People's Republic of China is finally beginning on the road to socialism, and a US defeat could inspire them to accelerate the end of markets and this glorious transition to the higher phase of socialism. If we are extremely lucky, this might cause them to fill the hole of the USSR as the new promoter of international socialism.

The point in the matter is that the Left must decide if the continuation of the Ukraine is worth the aßured ensuing terrorisation of the Colonial Rim, or if we ought to oppose NATO (or 'support Rußia' as many of these anti-Rußia obseßed left-liberals love to equivalate it to) for the good of the rest of the Colonial Rim, including the remaining socialist states. We saw last time what NATO does without a strong Rußia to retrain it; do we really want another Yugoslavia this time everywhere, and another large swath of the Middle-East being invaded, all for a far-Right puppet-state? For perspective, I personally loathe the Iranian Islamo-fascist theocracy, and the only good state in the Middle-East that I actually support is Syria. But I know readily the fact that if the US topples the Iranian state, that Syria will be in grave danger of the same happening. Hence I grudgingly stow my disdain, in support for the current continuation of Iran as it is, to ultimately protect Syria. So too, I do this in relation to Belarus, Donetsk and Lugansk, the PRC, and the DPRK; all of which would be in mortal danger if Rußia were to fall.

Let us be stark about something that is currently being swept under the rug of inconvenient truths by the pro-Ukraine virtuati liberals; sharing the same side, if not the same opinion entirely as the powers that be, is not a courageous or rebellious act of bravery. To think exactly as the Western medias, governments, et cetera powers do, is what they want. There is no risk, or even bets in the game. If anything, virtue signalling over the Ukraine is an easy way to boost one's career and reputation.

Those of us who take an anti-NATO or pro-Rußia view (regardleß of how factual, nuanced, sophisticated, or caveated it is) constantly contend with repreßion, be it social media censorship, career injury or loß, slanderous or libelous damage, as well as death threats, in the worst of cases. I have yet to hear of a single pro-Ukraine YouTube channel or Twitter account being suspended, unlike the maß of comrades and alternative media sources who have met this fate. When Chomsky announced that Trump was the only one willing to do what was neceßary to stop the third world war, a comment said something like 'Chomsky needs to be silenced'. Now, forgive me, but I interpreted that as meaning someone needs to murder Chomsky, but what do I know when anonymous internetlings are using purposefully mysterious, plausibly-deniable speech? Then there are the death threats Alexander Finnegan has been getting. Stephen Cohen, recently sadly departed from this world, is having his legacy attacked by these same bandits. If you do not meet the satisfied level of warhunger and bloodthirst of these liberals, then it is you who is the foe of peace... somehow. Liberals might as well be called 'peaceful-warmongers' from now on!

I will not say that the position taken by the virtuati is cowardly, for that was not the point in writing this request to treat with a little bit of honest. Siding with the world's largest empire, martially, geopolitically, economically, perhaps, too, historically, no matter how correct or moral such a position may be at any given time, shall still not qualify as a courageous or brave act. These kinds of acts, to be said as such, require that personal risk, detriment to some prospect of one's life be traded in for the entitling to the ennoblement of the act. This does mean that the Azov Battalion, despite their atrocious ideology, is courageous and brave for holding it in the face of fighting the most Nazi-hating country on Earth. Liberals in the Imperial Core cheering Ukrainian Nazis, however, is the very opposite of brave, it is conformist and virtue-signalling.

Being Honest, Being Real: Ukrainian Nazis Welcome! (say the Liberals)

I do not want Ukrainians flooding my Homeland, taking what they have absolutely no right to, bringing their primitive, violent ways over to this by contrast enlightened realm of reason. As Azov-loving Nazis, the Ukrainians should well understand that launching an invasion of my land will only make common cause arise betwixt Rußia and I. An army of 'mommy-tourists' digging first for green-cards, and from there for gold, is more vile than any method of conventional warfare at present known.

I have the molten lead musket balls to say the facts which the rest of society fears saying, and so resigns to thinking in the shadows of privacy. Be us truthful for a second: everything past Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Greece is barbarian territory. The savage wastes of the Slavic East are incapable of our kind of thought; of rational, civil deliberation. The Chinese and other civilised Asian nations, which share this capacity with us, can barely stand being next to these destructive stick-age raiders. The Slavs have been killing each other endleßly since the land was first settled. I propose that, instead of getting involved in the bloodshed of this feral wasteland, we rational countries, via the United Nations (once we have kicked the Slavs out of it, of course), begin to build a maßive wall with nuclear, machine-gun, guard tower, and barbed wire emplacements spanning the border of Slavdom. With this Mighty Defence Barrier of Civilisation , the Americas, Europe, and Asia will be protected from any Slavward threat, including the Ukraine and Rußia. The Slavs can continue killing each other in peace, to the end of the planet, if they so desire. It is a win-win for everyone! We can air a sigh of relief, knowing that our families, communities, and nations are safe from the constant wars that have defined Slavdom since the beginning of written history (and before, I am sure!).

So there is the case, and my counter to it. No part of the United States can withstand the millions of mooching, murderous migrant gold-miners trying to bring their little war over here from the Ukraine. If it comes down to it, the Homeland must be defended. At least it will not be all bad, going down in history as the Yankee Andreas Hofer. I would only hope that, if I were thus captured, that they shoot well and not poorly! But coming from a land that is stuck perpetually in the stick-age, there is probably no hope in that, ha! I will even defend the former Confederacy from these violent multitudes, to say nothing of my dear New England, for no one should have to deal with these weasels who are trying to start a third, and nuclear, world war. God keep the Slavs away from us, and God Bleß America! (fireworks start firing out of the ground, everyone starts cheering, flags start flying)

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