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The Liberal Agents in our Midst, and Why I Sha'n't be Moved.

Comrades, I do not enjoy speaking on this subject (indeed, it seems most modern political subjects distretch me), not in the slightest. We have seen an influx of left-liberals, sometimes called radlibs, into our circles and at our gatherings. A left-liberal recently told me that the content on my blog did not appeal to her, and that unleß I adapted my work to her forstanding of interesting leftist politics, she would halt all support of any form for Thoughts of a Comrade.

It is truly a sad time when sovereign blogs are threatened with literal reprimand for being 'too tankie' I suppose, or to be clear, too leftist, for their pro-Biden propaganda machine. This machine allots no opportunity to critique Biden or the Democrats, where any one not aligned with them is a rightist or, for some loose nuts, National Socialist.

I shall not be controlled by these liberal pseudo-leftists. My voice and blog are independent extensions of my spirit. This place is meant for cultured intellectual Communists such as myself. Thoughts of a Comrade and New Political-Economic Knowledge are producing great philosophical and literary feats. We have achieved these positive succeßes not by following a left-liberal emotional dogma, but by utilising and expanding our unique cultured Marxist-Leninist perspective. We shall not grovel to Biden or his Party of the Middle Claßes. Our spiritual predeceßor, the Philosopher's Interior, never accepted foreign direction over our publication, and was kennst by the local redneck studentry to be an organ of noble taste, of exquisite elegance. If not in the Philosopher's Interior, then neither for this blog!

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