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The 'Middle Claßes' and Degeneracy (Philosopher's Interior Article)

Updated: Nov 27, 2021

Picture Created by Me (Post Scriptum: it is a joke picture)

Note: Article republished here courtesy of the Philosopher's Interior (bi-daily journal), all rights belong to them.

Note II: Eszetts (ß) were native to the printing regulation of the Philosopher's Interior

The 'Middle Claßes' and Degeneracy; Intellectuals against Rednecks

In many ways I do not share the ideals of the Twentieth Century British, German, and French intellectuals. As goes claß struggles and prejudices, I, too, fear the rupture of the middle claß maß culture and its mindleß media consumption. However, I am a Red intellectual for I hold no blame of this over the oppreßed workers. The US fetishizes this 'middle claß dream', consequently, there is one state on this earth that has not yet developed a culture (nations within the Union, New England, making the exception). What is the reason?

The petite bourgeoisie, or 'middle claß' as they have so flatteringly been knighted in this century, are zombies, simply put. They consume media, education, culture, and news in a false act, pretending to be knowledgeable on such complicated, honorable areas of advanced computational thinking. Ask one of these clerks about the implications of Kantian and utilitarian metaphysics: either they can converse upon this subject and none other, or they cannot comprehend this subject, for want of another. They gouge down media and news of low value for shock or to reinforce the facade of renaißancal jackering. Centrism is their only political ideal, unleß they've been riled by a loud but lying individual to hang blacks or beat Jews- that is when the oh so amicable and open minded middle claß shows its true colors.

The question is then naturally raised, what of the equally disgusting redneck opposition? A profound truth must be said: most traits aßigned to the rednecks are a blend of petit bourgeis [sic] maß consumption and an amalgamation of Illinois appalachian values. We are not truly referring to the Southerner, even if they share some surface similarities with the appalachian degenerates, the term redneck has usurped thge meaning of hillbilly and hick to give a combined and more effective package. It is the ambitious sections of the middle claßes which pose the greatest danger to the thinkers of our day. This insatiable demand for the consumption of maß 'culture' is a feature of capitalism, that is the crisis of over production [sic] and the coming search for expanding markets. Capitalism as with so many other societal deficiencies is the cause of maß 'culture' and the continuous consumption that feeds it. Socialism is not the only cure in this case. Restoration of industrial capitalism or late-stage feudalism, would solve this problem given time. The population would never accept it, so a new method must be found that will hold the benefits of a republic without opening the floodgates so that the degenerates can trample culture. The answer is republican exclusivity. Only the citizens who have proven themselves cultured can become involved in political and cultural things, all other citizens can vote in elections but that's it. Seats in Congreß should be split into a House of Politicrats, and an upper House of Thinkers. Depending on what a person is better in, they will go to one of the two houses. The military and police should be split on these lines as well, thinking commißoned [sic] officers and thinking police chiefs with every one [sic] else below them.

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1 Comment

Feb 17, 2021

Wow, really lost me at the Kantian and Utilitarian part, back when this was published in the PhilInt too. Also, he stole that idea of the House of Thinkers from me, I am nigh certain!

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