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The Religious Views of Hitler and their Relation to the Holocaust

Ic have finally forstood the enigma of Hitler's religious life. Many a Catholic have tried to remove their lost son, Adolf, from their listed ranks. Unfortunately, neither the fanatical followers of Judaism nor Catholicism shall like what Ic here have to tell. Yet tell it Ic must, for 'tis a truth no matter what.

Hitler was a deeply devoted Christian, and believed most 'wholly' in the sacredneß of Jesus and Yahweh. But just like Himmler, also a cultish-Catholic, Adolf held some, curious, or perhaps anticwated, highly orthodox views on how to please his god, what the god would wish to be done in the case of disobedience.

Now, what perceived disobediance did Hitler see? Well, there are, Ic consider, four poßibilities, or a mix of them.

I. Hitler wanted Yahweh to recognise the Deutschen as his new chosen folc, and so made the Holocaust as a kind of sacrifice ritual to Yahweh.

II. Hitler (a Christian) wanted to win Yahweh's favour by avenging his son's crucifixion and death at the hands of the Jews.

III. Hitler (a Christian) thought that the Jews were somehow disobeying Yahweh or were otherwise erring or causing harm in a religious manner.

IV: Hitler did actually hold some or even great belief in Alfred Rosenberg's 'Positive Christianity', that in fact Jesus was an Aryan, and that Yahweh hated Jews, too. In this case, again, the Holocaust was a ritual of killing Yahweh's fiends in sacrifice to the god.

And here we finally have one of the truths. Honestly, Ic do think that Yahweh hates the Jews, hates mankind, hates every other god, hates his father El, probably hates the cennst universe including deep down himself. Where the 'ell did El go? Biblical history becomes some pretty scary, gritty shite after he exits. To be sure, Hitler did do this, if not in Yahweh's name, then at least in a domain he himself purportedly has power and authority over, so did Yahweh send Hitler? He certainly did cenna about it if we are to accept his own stated extent of his power (or he is a lying god; a trickster god), and we cenna that he did naught about it.

Dear gods, the Middle-East was so much more peaceful under the watchship of El Mightiest and the rest of the elohim. Ever since they left a hole in godship by disappearing, or whatever happened to them, the Middle-East has become one big, bloody 'Ellhole. Help us, Elbi-wan Kelyonbi! Furthermore, why the f*** would you aßign a WAR god to be your only god, that is just asking for genocide.

Actually, the writing down of this has led me to see a vague similarity betwixt the Judaic and the Deutsch experience: His Majesty Wilhelm II in His Divinity El, and Hitler in Yahweh. A kind, mild lord of peace, betrayed for a jealous underling of said lord, addicted to war and violence. Although Ic do not believe that history truly repeats itself, it does seem to poßeß an echo, as if it were enclosed within a dark, never looping yet never ending tunnel. What folly that a tradition of peace can so easily be replaced in times of trying by a transition to hate.

A good time to go into an avenue: one of the reasons why Ic follow Anglo-Saxon Heathenry (besides familial and colonial heritage) is that instead of having what Ic would term 'scripture' (documents with hard rules, commands, expectations, et cetera), it has lore: stories and sayings which may at most serve to demonstrate a point. If Ic were forced to make a maxim, it would be 'scripture is a prescription for malevolence'. It is not neceßarily, in my thought, the strict, regimented organisation which makes Abrahamic religion violent, this organisation acting as an amplification agent to enable what was already there insinuated in scripture. However, such regimented organisation still has negative impacts of its own, namely engendering an authoritarian, potentially tyrannical milieu and disposition, videlicet theocracy is not fun.

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