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Trump Harris Presidential Debate 10 September 2024 Philidelphia

This initial post will be a summarised recounting of everything said in the debate, another post will follow with commentary and observations.

%Americans Better Off?

H. Love middle-classes, houses famarchist-natalist small business burgher-capitalism. Sales tax of Trump for bad billionaires.

T. Nay sales tax done, Harris lies, I want tariffs, I will lower inflation. Hurts all classes and the unions, not just middle-burghers. Harris loves armed migrants taking over cities (Hamtramck?).

H. I believe in coming together. Project 2025 will hijack good capitalism.

T. Great job in pandemic, never acknowledges Harris jobs were blow-black from him.

H. Goldman-Sachs loves my plan, Wharton loves my plan, Trump love recession, nay plan for any one.

T. Harris has nay plan, took Biden's, made of only four words.


T. People's Republic of China will have to pay more, I will double tariffs. All agree 80-90% my economy better than Harris'

H. Trump gave People's Republic of China chips, how dare he, we need war. How dare he thank Xi, [Xi is a conniving yellow Red-Chinaman] who lied to us on COVID.

T. Harris a Marxist (I wish!), destroying fatherland. We nay more produce many chips due to their ideology.


T. Governor supports killing children after birth. Believes in abortion exceptions. All legal scholars wanted this. Supreme court supports provinces' (,,state's'') rights in abortion.

H. Twenty provinces have Trump abortion ban. Rape, right about body (what about male genital mutilation?). Something about hardships of pregnancy (except that women are absolutely complicit, and normally able to freely act in such a matter).

T. Harris goes again lying, all scholars wanted provinces voting on abortion, now they have. Harris cannot get the vote to repeal ban. Millions of students did not get student loans. Harris taunted (teased?) students, she knew she could not cancel loans or debts.

H. Nay women asking for abortion before pregnancy (odd statement), you are putting women in an unconscionable barricade/blockage of health care she needs. You (general you?) block her body (again, foreskins are 'his body', and he RARELY is ever consenting in this act of violent sexual assault and paedophilia).


H. I support border from ,,Conservatives''. Bill could have had criminals, but Trump cancelled bill to run on problem. Trump will talk about immigrant when not the topic. At Trump rallies, men leave from exhaustion.

T. (Sanders?) had biggest rallies in history. Harris has nay one at her rallies. (Smart strategic move, hinting at Sanders' betrayal).

H. Republicans love me. Cheney loves me. Trump Secretary of ,,Defence'' (War) loves me more. [Blinken loves her]. I love the Constitution (unso, do not lie Harris).

T. I fired these war-mongers and profiteers, which is not good for publishing a book (one's official career).


T. Criminals everywhere, Venezuela deports them to Harris. New form of crime—migrant. Harris committed FBI fraud, just like fraud on amount of jobs.

H. Police and law loves me. More order needed. Trump a criminal (and what is Cheney?)

T. Political trails, weaponised law against him. I will get all charges appealed. Weaponisation never happened in fatherland before.


H. Trump terminate Constitution. Military loves me. Folk must stop Trump.

T. I was shot in the head due to Harris' rhetoric about me. Either ,,Russia, Russia, Russia'', or ,,Threat to Democracy™''.

H. Fracking loves me. I am middle-class. Women beaten and sexually assaulted but I care about children (nayso, until you speak out against violating males' bodily rights).

T. Harris wants to let criminals out. I saved oil business. I am a big fan of solar, but it takes up too much space.


T. Peacefully and patriotically protest. Only one rabid policeman died. What about immigrant-crime? Harris is a border Ksar/Czar. What about prosecuting the Seattle ruiners? I wanted to give ten-thousand national guards, but Pelosi and the mayor of Washington refused my offer.

H. Violent mob. MY national capital. Conflates Proud Boys and Charlottesville with 6 January. Need more rule of law because Trump says it will be a bloodbath (and Cheney gives peace-baths, right?).

T. Let Harris get Biden to sign closed border.

%2020 Election Result

T. So much proof of election fraud. Harris wants immigrants who can not even speak English. We had nay standing according to a judge. We are a nation in decline, Harris and them made it so.

H. Will of voters. Military leaders over the world love me.

T. Orban asks why world is exploding. Orban was strong, he loves me, Harris and Biden are weak. Harris had nay votes, Biden had votes but was deposed by elite, Biden even hates Harris.


H. HAMAS evil terror, raped and butchered. Palestine hurt, but needs hostages. I always give ability of Israel to attack Iran (she knows quite well that Palestine will support Iran). Two-state solution (so Harris can finally end Palestine in a war with Iran?).

T. Iran was broke in my term. Harris hates Arabs. Look at Yemen, look at the Ukraine.

H. I love Israel. Trump is an evil dictator, how dare he want peace? Dictators can use Trump for peace, military-industrial complex loves me.

T. Biden and Harris are weak, they support Nordstream pipe-line.

%The Ukraine

T. I want the war to stop, and the Folks to stop needlessly dying in millions. I want to save lives. Harris afraid to have Europa pay their share. That will end war. Where even is the President, Biden? In best interest of US Folk for the war to end. Biden does not speak to any one, for two years. Could lead to Third World War. Harris and elite threw Biden out like a dog.


H. Trump not running against Biden but me. Rallied to crusade in the Ukraine, admitted she used fifty states in NATO to encircle Russia. Loves fascistic Warsaw occupants in America. Also slipped up and called NATO a military alliance (supposed to call it a ,,defencive alliance'').

T. Harris is supposed to negotiate with President Putin, and failed. Harris failed peace.

H. US loves friends (like Israel?). Met with Zelensky, would never meet with President Putin. Muh ,,Democracy™''. Ensuring order, our (her Anglophobic) values.

T. Got NATO to pay for once.


H. Agrees with Biden withdrawal. Says an expencive and endless war (Ha! Do not laugh!). Taliban bad.

T. Negotiated with Abdul. Would have left nay one behind, nor new military equipment.


T. Do not care what race Harris is, up to her.

H. Race divide, black-latino something. Et cetera.

T. Bloomberg agreed with me on the murderous Central Park Five. Harris is Biden, same policy; she pretends 'I do not know the gentleman'.

H. Pro-small business fascism. Belittling and name-calling (like what Harris has done this whole debate?) bad.


T. Obama-Care still not very good to-day. Democrats refuse to change any thing about it. Had a choice: save and mildly improve it as possible, or let it rot. Did the former, was the right thing to do.

H. Loves private health-care (was asked about Sanders' health-care views). McCain loves me. Obama-Care stuffs.

%Climate Change

H. Trump denies climate. More manufacturing jobs, US automobiles, more factories.

T. Harris lost ten-thousand manufacturing jobs, and will drill in Mexico, and import Chinese cars. They have destroyed industry. Biden does not go after corrupt men, Biden gets millions from PRC and the Ukraine. Harris and Biden have a crooked organisation.

%Ending Statements

H. Past bad. American Folk (capitalists) need most lethal fighting force in world. Poor victim women. (Utter shite for the stench of warmongering).

T. Harris and Biden had three years to fix border and economy. Harris believes in things that the US Folk does not. Failing nation, wars involved all over, all the world laughs at the US.

Debate End

Trump is quite a dolt, but the Cackling Capitalist is a dangerous Modi-style fascist potentiary. To borrow the sentiment of Comrade Trotsky: Harris has [Modi]-particles all over her. And Sanders has utterly deserted his post at the worst possible time to do so.

My support goes to Claudia de la Cruz at this juncture, as I think that neither Comrade West nor Jill Stein can/mean to win, so we might as well go with the best, most principled Leftist candidate.

The actual commentary/observation article on the debate will be coming soon.

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