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Update Report on the Blog(s)

Greetings, my dear comrades who have remained with me throughout. I think you shall find the my death was greatly exaggerated. I am still here, producing albeit rather leß content than I would perhaps like to. But, fear not, even in a trickle it shall come still.

The Philosopher's Interior (Renewed!) is more of a concern for me in the department of content. I cannot simply post a 'hang-out seßion' there as I can here, the existence of that publication does not align with such an informal approach to writing. I actually have to sit down on write those articles on paper before I post them, and so the labour proceß is more fordrawn than the posts on Thoughts of a Comrade. I am worried that the Philint(R!) might die before it takes write.

Another doesan for the recent slump is that my eBay is beginning to run out of items to sell, and they took away my ability to promote my listings. This has doesen me to turn my attention away from writing for here, and instead begin writing for self-publishment on eBay. Most of those writings will eventually end up here (and some already have), but the entire proceß is, once again, slower.

One good thing in favour of the blog(s) is that I recently left a political party which I had been active in. Hopefully, now that my sole obligation is practically to the Left Margin Book Club, I can readjust my daily schedule to account for this new time, and add it to time for writing on the blog(s).

Well, that is indeed the state of the blog(s). If there are truly any comrades out there, I wish to say many thanks for following my chaotic development of these two entities. I cenna that it is a difficult task to remember to check on a blog once in a while, especially ones like mine which have slown down without explanation. And with this, I end my addreß.

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