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What went Wrong with Philosophy? (Why Modern Thinking is Dead or Hopeleßly Abstract)

Picture: logo of the Philosopher's Interior (bi-daily journal), circa 2018-2020.

Note: skip the first two paragraphs if you are uninterested in how this topic connects with the failure of the Philosopher's Interior, and just want to read about the failure of philosophy.

Comrades, Citizens, Jacobins all, I have been asking myself since the very end of the Philosopher's Interior what exactly went wrong with the operation of our publication. And I tell, not merely the death of the PhilInt, but rather more mundane matters as well, such as the lack of participation in writing articles, how the Philosopher's Interior Onlinified (this site's previous name and composition) had absolutely zero traffic even into the end of our physical publishment, and how there was such a devoiding of esprit de corps among both the publishing membership, and the readership.

I must readily admit; the Philosopher's Interior failed, and failed miserably it did. Well aware am I that we had some jesters in our ranks, some noncommittants, and even some agents of Kritchlerism, but I perhaps naïvely believed (or desired) that we could preß on from these fragile beginnings into the vision of what might be. Yet, just as in the Bolshevik Revolution, reality was always guiding, dictating our actions as we sank into its abyß. Obviously, Nick, the primary publisher of the Philosopher's Interior, aßumed the mantle of dictator (it could not be otherwise). In my own Trotskyist way, I attempted to wage a Left Opposition against him, but looking back upon it, my struggle was a futile one that probably made things harder for Comrade Nick. Not present in their high school milieu, how would it ever have been poßible for me to achieve enough clout about the readership to arrange my own cabinet of leadership. What I learned from this is that, whilst Comrade Stalin may have been pushed to gain power, it does not at all follow that this was his wish. Comrade Nick is a good friend, and I doubt not his intentions for a still.

That explains the specific failure of the Philosopher's Interior, but now I shall extend the conversation to the failure of philosophy in the modern (Western) world.

I have been attempting also to unveil the discernible death and abstraction of philosophy, starting in the middle of the Twentieth Century to the ravages it is to-day. One thing which I cannot wholly confirm as an element of degeneration, but that which I yet suspect, is the flooding of philosophy with Yank (redneck) and Außie kennats, whose philosophical endeavours always seem to be so dißolved of groundedneß, so needleßly academic and removed from life. Moving into a real cause: the devious division of politics, science, mathematics, and the subsidised murder of political-economics (political-economy) from the discipline of philosophy has served to end anti-capitalist thought which some few times appeared from the development of these subjects. I was told by a philosophy big-wig profeßor that my defence of anti-natalism (a philosophical theory one would think!) 'is a political manifesto' and that 'this is a philosophy claß, not a political one'. Do not get me started on the one time I mentioned Marx, or the other time where I made an allusion to kulaks!

So that, I deem, the most poßeßing problem with modern philosophy. Philosophy has been intimidated and insulated within itself by the bourgeoisie, burning out in an endleß feedback loop of broken abstractions, which are descended from ever earlier abstractions before them. Everything else is said to be a 'definite science', nothing says science like an economic system that wastes and crashes to no end. Oh, but these wise gentlemen call it 'science'. What buffoonery! Mathematics is the only thing in that list which I can agree to be a science. To end, the worst argument is of course in regards to politics; philosophy is, and certainly always has been a strongly political matter, one which has endured killing and the dethronment of kings. Philosophy must have politics and economy once more to live.

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